Posted: October 17, 2017

Why should you join the PA Tree Farm program as a Certified Tree Farmer?

Why Be Certified?

For less than the cost of one gallon of gas per week you'll receive all of the benefits of the PA Tree Farm System (PTFS) and American Tree Farm System (ATFS) Certification! Your Membership Fee is between $70 to $100, depending on your acreage.

You'll Have the Tools!

As a woodland owner, you want to "do right" by your land. Yet you face more challenges than ever: pests, disease, weeds, drought and severe weather, catastrophic fire, and financial and development pressures. Meeting these challenges requires up-to-date information, tools, and on-the-ground assistance to help make the best decisions. You'll have:

  • Evolving, up-to-date Standards of Sustainability for Forest Certification
  • Membership in the PA Forestry Association with access to information and educational resources (1-800-835-8065 / )
  • Publications: Pennsylvania Forests magazine, Forest Leaves newsletter, News You Can Use e-newsletter, Facebook updates, etc.
  • Peer Access at Field Days, demonstrations, and meetings with fellow Tree Farmers
  • The "My Land Plan" self-guided online planning tool
  • More frequent on-site visits/inspections from your forester
  • State and National legislative updates and action
  • Opportunities for expanded and improved market access
  • Established standards supporting negotiations with third parties on your property and county land use planning
  • Your Certified Tree Farm Plan gives you access to Farm Bill Programs such as EQIP and CSP
  • You will be eligible to participate in the Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year at the state, regional, and national levels

You'll Have the Recognition!

The American Tree Farm System Certification System is internationally recognized, and the certified ATFS sign tells your community and the world that you stand among the best woodland stewards in America. We at the Pennsylvania Tree Farm System and the American Tree Farm System stand with you as part of your team.
Pennsylvania Tree Farm System recognizes and validates family forest owners for their work and commitment to sustainable stewardship of their land. You are committed to doing the best for your land and PTFS can give you the road map to help you manage your land for long-term sustainability.

You Are The Future!

Your woods are part of your family legacy. You've worked hard to ensure that your family can continue to enjoy the many benefits that come with woodland ownership. As part of the American Tree Farm System, you will have the tools and support to help keep your woods thriving for generations to come.

The effort you are making is so important to conserving Pennsylvania's forest. That's why the Pennsylvania Tree Farm System (PTFS) and American Tree Farm System (ATFS) are your voice with political leaders, industry, and the public to tell the story of family forest owners.

With You on Board, the Outlook for Penn's Woods is Bright!

Read more about certification online or email or call PA Tree Farm at 1-800-835-8065 with your questions.

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802