Posted: April 9, 2018

The PA Tree Farm Committee is focused on inspections and adding value for 2018.

The Pennsylvania Tree Farm Program successfully completed the transition to a full Certification System in 2017 and now is focused on inspections and adding value for 2018. More than 300 committed Tree Farmers representing approximately 350 Tree Farms have joined the program.

Tree Farm inspections (at no cost to Tree Farmers) are required every five years to maintain certification. This inspection by a Certified Inspector affords the Tree Farmer the opportunity to review and discuss the current management standards and the management plan, both on site and in the field, with a professional forester.

Seventy Tree Farms are being targeted for re-inspection in 2018. These targeted Tree Farms have received inspection packages. Each year, we are aiming to re-inspect approximately one-fifth of the Tree Farms in the program. If your Tree Farm was not targeted in 2018, please be patient, as it will take some time to complete all of the overdue inspections. In the meantime, this will allow time to review and update your management plan. Your local DCNR Service Forester, while no longer doing inspections, can offer guidance in refining your plan and managing your woods.

The Pennsylvania Tree Farm Committee is also working on tools to assist the Tree Farmer. We are looking to provide Tree Farmer training on the use and safety of the three main tools available to the small woodland owner:

  • Chain Saw: Use, Safety, and Directional Felling -- A necessary tool for crop tree release, road maintenance, invasive control, etc. The Game of Logging Level 1, offered through the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, is being partially subsidized for Tree Farmers.
  • Pesticide Use: Use and Safety --A useful tool in planting (control of competing vegetation), invasive control, etc. The program is being developed in conjunction with Penn State Extension.
  • Farm Tractor: Use and Safety -- A useful tool for moving logs, road clearance, invasive control (brush hog mowing can work wonders), etc. This program is being offered in conjunction with Penn State Extension on Saturday, June 9, 2018, and hosted by the Southwest Pennsylvania Woodland Owners

Tree Farmer, Inspector, and Volunteer commitment will ensure the success of the Program in 2018 and beyond.

For additional information, contact the Pennsylvania Tree Farm Program (Pennsylvania Forestry Association Office) at 1-800-835-8065 or , or visit the website.

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802