Caleb Tzilkowski

Caleb Tzilkowski

  • National Park Service (NPS)
  • Aquatic Ecologist
422 Forest Resources Bldg.
University Park, PA 16802


  • Ph.D - The Pennsylvania State University, School of Forest Resources
  • M.S - The Pennsylvania State University, School of Forest Resources
  • B.S. - The Pennsylvania State University, School of Forest Resources

Caleb has a broad background in aquatic ecology with an emphasis on stream ecology. For the past ten years, Caleb has worked extensively on the ecology of benthic macroinvertebrates, stream fishes, periphyton, and water chemistry.

Caleb holds

Caleb's primary responsibility with the NPS will be to lead and coordinate all aspects of a benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring program in nine National Park Service units in PA and WV (collectively referred to as the "Eastern Rivers and Mountains Network").