Extension Programs
People make decisions every day that impact natural resource use and management, whether it's a consumer choice (e.g., "Will that be paper or plastic?") or a municipality adopting a forestry ordinance.
Extension in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management helps people make informed decisions that improve their own well-being and ensure clean water, viable populations of native wildlife, recreational opportunities, attractive communities, and the sustainable production of wood and paper products.

Get the most out of your environment. Discover educational content to help you manage your forest regarding pest and disease control, wildlife, and more.

Learn all there is to know about forest products. Find information on timber value, hardwood lumber, and non-wood products such as maple syrup and ginseng.

Stay up to date on the latest forestry and timber market research. Discover agroforestry best practices and find forest business advice from experts.

This program specializes in the use of GIS and related advanced information system technologies for environmental assessment, agriculture, and land management and planning.

Stay up-to-date with the quarterly timber prices report. Find comprehensive information on current and historical timber prices and standing timber value.

Trees have an essential role to play in city planning and urban infrastructure. Discover the benefits of urban forestry with the help of Penn State Extension. Learn about planting and caring for trees and other plants in your town or community.

Discover resources to help you control wildlife nuisances and damage. Increase your knowledge of habitat management, landscaping for wildlife, and more.