Charles Strauss, Ph.D.

Charles Strauss, Ph.D.

  • Director and Professor Emeritus, School of Forest Resources
University Park, PA 16802


  • B.S., The Pennsylvania State University (1958)
  • M.S., Michigan State University (1960)
  • M.A., The Pennsylvania State University (1968)
  • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University (1974)

Academic Interests

Recreation economics; energy economics; investment analysis of resource systems

Courses Taught

Forest Economics and Finance

Forest Resources Inventory

Professional Affiliation/Achievements

Research Honor Award, Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (1979)

Professional Service Award, Pennsylvania Forestry Association (1986)

University Faculty Senate, elected member of Council (1989-95)

Recent Research/Educational Projects

Eco-Tourism in Pennsylvania: Managing Elk and People (1997-1999) The economic and visitor characteristics of elk-related tourism was evaluated in northcentral Pennsylvania over a two-year period. Attendance was identified at 52,000 visitor days in the first year and 70,000 visitor days in the second. Over 92% of the visits were from non-residents, with annual regional expenditures averaging $1.1 million annually and total impacts averaging $1.8 million annually.

Both elk and tourist are in need of further management. Elk herd numbers could threaten their ecological carrying capacity. And on the tourism side, over 65% of the tourist visitations occur during the fall season, with 1400 daily visits received on peak weekends in one small community. This too could be approaching maximum carrying capacities.

Economic Analysis for Producing Populous Hybrid under Four Management Strategies (1980-92) The economic, silvicultural, and property characteristics of Populous hybrid biomass were established under four plantation strategies operated on a multiple rotation basis. A system of fertilized, irrigated, and control strategies were established on two growing sites and operated over a twelve-year period. Each strategy was evaluated as a composite investment and critiqued relative to optimal rotation lengths. A composite model, involving various regional strategies from the U.S., provided a predictive statement on relative costs and the competitive position of woody biomass.

Selected Publications

Strauss, C.H., and B.E. Lord. 1999. Economic review of a national heritage tour route. in : Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. USDA Forest Service. Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Gen. Tech. Rpt. (in press).

Strauss, C.H., B.E. Lord, and S.C. Grado. 1997. Economic impact of tourism within a regional economy: Sources, size and direction of gain. in : Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Retailing and Services Science. European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies. Scottsdale, Arizona. June 30 - July 3, 1997. 17pp.

Lord, B.E., C.H. Strauss and S.C. Grado. 1997. County-level travel and tourism impacts - - contrasting nine Pennsylvania counties. in : Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. USDA Forest Service. Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Gen. Tech. Rpt. NE-232. pp279-282.

Strauss, C.H. 1995. Economics of Short Rotation Forestry. Chapter 8 of Handbook on Short Rotation Forests. Ch 8 in Handbook of Short Rotation Forests. Pp 8.7.1 - 8.7.12. Edited by S. Ledin. International Energy AGency and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Upsalla, Sweden.

Strauss, C.H., and B.E. Lord. 1999. Economic review of a national heritage tour route. in : Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. USDA Forest Service. Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Gen. Tech. Rpt. (in press).

Strauss, C.H., B.E. Lord, and S.C. Grado. 1997. Economic impact of tourism within a regional economy: Sources, size and direction of gain. in : Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Retailing and Services Science. European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies. Scottsdale, Arizona. June 30 - July 3, 1997. 17pp.

Lord, B.E., C.H. Strauss and S.C. Grado. 1997. County-level travel and tourism impacts - - contrasting nine Pennsylvania counties. in : Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. USDA Forest Service. Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Gen. Tech. Rpt. NE-232. pp279-282.

Strauss, C.H. 1995. Economics of Short Rotation Forestry. Chapter 8 of Handbook on Short Rotation Forests. Ch 8 in Handbook of Short Rotation Forests. Pp 8.7.1 - 8.7.12. Edited by S. Ledin. International Energy AGency and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Upsalla, Sweden.