Deah Lieurance, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor of Invasive Species Biology and Management
University Park, PA 16802
- Email
Vertebrates in trade that pose high invasion risk to the United States
Biological Conservation, Daniel, Wesley M., Sofaer, Helen R., Jarnevich, Catherine S., Erickson, Richard A., DeGregorio, Brett A., Engelstad, Peder S., Freedman, Jonathan, Canavan, Susan, Dean, E. M., Adams, Michael J., Anderson, Charmayne L., Barnett, Mindy, Brey, Marybeth K., Brumm, Kyle J., Bunting, Matthew S., Caffrey, Emily, Cardador, Laura, Carter, Jacoby, Cassey, Phillip, Chapman, Duane C., Claunch, Natalie, Counihan, Timothy D., Davis, Kristin P., Deshwal, Anant, Douglas, Andrew K., Dunn, Corey G., Ehlo, Chase, Everett, Katie, Gleditsch, Jason M., Grosse, Andrew, Hendrickson, Zoey, Hess, Steven, Hill, Jeffrey E., Holmes, Nick D., Longo, Ana V., Lockwood, Julie L., Mason, Doran M., McDonald, Ashley, Neilson, Matt, Reaver, Kristen, Reed, Robert, Roberts, Caleb, Rogosch, Jane S., Romagosa, Christina, Russell, James C., Simpson, Annie, Smith, Scott A., Sperry, Jinelle, Tuckett, Quenton M., VerCauteren, Kurt, Waddle, Hardin, Wanamaker, Christian, Willson, John D., Williams, Arden, Lieurance, Deah, 2025
Can Carbon Payments Support Invasive Plant Management on Private Forests?, Kreye, Melissa, Lieurance, Deah, 2024
The emerging invasive species and climate-change lexicon
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Fusco, Emily J., Falk, Bryan G., Heimowitz, Paul J., Lieurance, Deah, Parsons, Elliott W., Rottler, Cait M., Thurman, Lindsey L., Evans, Annette E., 2024
Cenchrus caudatus
CABI Compendium, Lieurance, Deah, 2024
Identifying invasive species threats, pathways, and impacts to improve biosecurity
Ecosphere, Lieurance, Deah, Canavan, Susan, Behringer, Donald C., Kendig, Amy E., Minteer, Carey R., Reisinger, Lindsey S., Romagosa, Christina M., Flory, S. Luke, Lockwood, Julie L., Anderson, Patti J., Baker, Shirley M., Bojko, Jamie, Bowers, Kristen E., Canavan, Kim, Carruthers, Kelly, Daniel, Wesley M., Gordon, Doria R., Hill, Jeffrey E., Howeth, Jennifer G., Iannone, Basil V., Jennings, Lucas, Gettys, Lyn A., Kariuki, Eutychus M., Kunzer, John M., Laughinghouse, H. Dail, Mandrak, Nicholas E., McCann, Sara, Morawo, Tolulope, Morningstar, Cayla R., Neilson, Matthew, Petri, Tabitha, Pfingsten, Ian A., Reed, Robert N., Walters, Linda J., Wanamaker, Christian, 2023
Addition of finer scale data and uncertainty analysis increases precision of geospatial suitability model for non-native plants in the US
Ecological Modelling, Kim, Seokmin, Koop, Anthony, Fowler, Glenn, Israel, Kimberly, Takeuchi, Yu, Lieurance, Deah, 2023
Plant migration due to winter climate change: range expansion of tropical invasive plants in response to warming winters
Biological Invasions, Osland, Michael J., Chivoiu, Bogdan, Feher, Laura C., Dale, Leah L., Lieurance, Deah, Daniel, Wesley M., Spencer, Jessica E., 2023
Ginger, Galangal, and Turmeric Production in Florida
UF/IFAS’ Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS), Fisher, Paul, Freyre, Rosanna, Gómez, Celina, Pearson, Brian, Sanchez-Jones, Tatiana, Steed, Shawn, Laughlin, Wanda, Hochmuth, Robert, Wasielewski, Jeff, Lieurance, Deah, Harmon, Carrie, Paret, Mathews, Osborne, Lance, Athearn, Kevin, Sargent, Steven, Zhang, Mengzi, Flores, Sofia, Nelson, Carly, Retana-Cordero, Marlon, Tello, Nathalia, 2023
Moving scholarship on invasion science forward
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Lockwood, Julie L., Lieurance, Deah, Flory, S. Luke, Meyerson, Laura A., Ricciardi, Anthony, Simberloff, Dan, 2023
Exploring the performance of Biological Invasions in social media five years after opening its Facebook and Twitter accounts
Biological Invasions, Novoa, Ana, Canavan, Susan, Lieurance, Deah, Simberloff, Daniel, Meyerson, Laura A., 2023
Cannabis de-domestication and invasion risk
Biological Conservation, Canavan, S., Brym, Z. T., Brundu, G., Dehnen-Schmutz, K., Lieurance, D., Petri, T., Wadlington, W. H., Wilson, J. R.U., Flory, S. L., 2022
The Stages of Invasion: How does a nonnative species transition to an invader?
UF/IFAS’ Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS), Lieurance, Deah, Kendig, Amy, Romagosa, Christina, 2022
A self-study of editorial board diversity at Biological Invasions
Biological Invasions, Kuebbing, Sara E., McCary, Matthew A., Lieurance, Deah, Nuñez, Martin A., Chiuffo, Mariana C., Zhang, Bo, Seebens, Hanno, Simberloff, Daniel, Meyerson, Laura A., 2022
Words matter: how to increase gender and LGBTQIA + inclusivity at Biological Invasions
Biological Invasions, Lieurance, Deah, Kuebbing, Sara, McCary, Matthew A., Nuñez, Martin A., 2022
Two decades of data reveal that Biological Invasions needs to increase participation beyond North America, Europe, and Australasia
Biological Invasions, Nuñez, Martin A., Chiuffo, Mariana C., Seebens, Hanno, Kuebbing, Sara, McCary, Matthew A., Lieurance, Deah, Zhang, Bo, Simberloff, Daniel, Meyerson, Laura A., 2022
Scanning the horizon for invasive plant threats using a data-driven approach
NeoBiota, Kendig, Amy E., Canavan, Susan, Anderson, Patti J., Flory, S. Luke, Gettys, Lyn A., Gordon, Doria R., Iannone, Basil V., Kunzer, John M., Petri, Tabitha, Pfingsten, Ian A., Lieurance, Deah, 2022
Brazilian Peppertree Control
University of Florida/IFAS Electronic Data Information System (EDIS), Gioeli, Ken, Enloe, Stephen, Minteer, Carey, Lieurance, Deah, Langeland, Ken, 2021
Domestication does not alter invasion risk of a non-native legume
Oecologia, Petri, Tabitha, Rehill, Brian, Lieurance, Deah, Flory, S. Luke, 2021
Navigating the Non-Native Planting Rule: Permit Requirements for Large-Scale Plantings of Non-Native Species in Florida
University of Florida/IFAS Electronic Data Information System (EDIS), Lieurance, Deah, Rohrig, Eric, Enloe, Stephen, 2021
Potential effects of domestication on non-native plant invasion risk
Plant Ecology, Petri, Tabitha, Canavan, Susan, Gordon, Doria R., Lieurance, Deah, Flory, S. Luke, 2021
Bamboo Growth and Control
Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Loewenstein, Nancy, Enloe, Stephen, Coyle, David, Lieurance, Deah, 2020
¿ Perdidos en la maleza? Una guía exhaustiva de malas hierbas no autóctonas en Florida
University of Florida/IFAS Electronic Data Information System, Lieurance, Deah, Gettys, Lyn, Sandoya-Miranda, Germán, 2020
The UF/IFAS Assessment of Nonnative Plants in Florida's Natural Areas: History, Purpose, and Use
University of Florida/IFAS Electronic Data Information System (EDIS), Lieurance, Deah, Flory, S, 2020
Biogeographic variation in resistance of the invasive plant, Alliaria petiolata, to a powdery mildew fungus and effect of resistance on competitive dynamics
Biological Invasions, Cipollini, Don, Davis, Sam, Lieurance, Deah, Cipollini, Kendra, Bahn, Volker, 2020
Lost in the Weeds?: A Comprehensive Guide to Florida’s Many Non-Native Plant Lists
University of Florida/IFAS Electronic Data Information System (EDIS), Lieurance, Deah, Gettys, Lyn, 2019
Allocation of invasive plant management expenditures for conservation: Lessons from Florida, USA
Conservation Science and Practice, Hiatt, Drew, Serbesoff-King, Kristina, Lieurance, Deah, Gordon, Doria R., Flory, S. Luke, 2019
Growing Bamboo for Commercial Purposes in the Southeastern U.S.: FAQs
Southern Regional Extension Forestry, Forest HealthSREF-FH-011, Coyle, Dave, Loewenstein, Nancy, Lieurance, Deah, Bean, Ryan, Li, Yanshu, Enloe, Stephen, 2019
Native and invasive woody species differentially respond to forest edges and forest successional age
Forests, Dillon, Whalen W., Lieurance, Deah, Hiatt, Drew T., Clay, Keith, Flory, S. Luke, 2018
Running bamboo species pose a greater invasion risk than clumping bamboo species in the continental United States
Journal for Nature Conservation, Lieurance, Deah, Cooper, Aimee, Young, Austin L., Gordon, Doria R., Flory, S. Luke, 2018
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides
EPPO Bulletin, Chapman, D, Petroeschevsky, A, Lieurance, Deah, Champion, Paul, Hussner, A, van Valkenburg, J, Tanner, Rob, 2017
Predicted versus actual invasiveness of climbing vines in Florida
Biological Invasions, Gordon, Doria R., Lieurance, Deah, Flory, S. Luke, 2017
The influence of light habitat on the physiology, biomass allocation, and fecundity of the invasive shrub Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii, Caprifoliaceae)1
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, Lieurance, Deah, Landsbergen, Kim, 2016
Permit Requirements for Planting Non-native Energy/Biomass Crops in Florida
University of Florida/IFAS Electronic Data Information System, Langeland, Ken, Enloe, Stephen, Lieurance, Deah, Flory, S, 2016
Protocols for testing the invasiveness of plants in Florida©
International Society for Horticultural Science: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the International Plant Propagators' Society, Lieurance, D., 2016
Weed Risk Assessments Are an Effective Component of Invasion Risk Management
Invasive Plant Science and Management, Gordon, Doria R., Flory, S. Luke, Lieurance, Deah, Hulme, Philip E., Buddenhagen, Chris, Caton, Barney, Champion, Paul D., Culley, Theresa M., Daehler, Curt, Essl, Franz, Hill, Jeffrey E., Keller, Reuben P., Kohl, Lisa, Koop, Anthony L., Kumschick, Sabrina, Lodge, David M., MacK, Richard N., Meyerson, Laura A., Pallipparambil, Godshen R., Panetta, F. Dane, Porter, Read, Pyšek, Petr, Quinn, Lauren D., Richardson, David M., Simberloff, Daniel, Vilà, Montserrat, 2016
Comparative Herbivory Rates and Secondary Metabolite Profiles in the Leaves of Native and Non-Native Lonicera Species
Journal of Chemical Ecology, Lieurance, Deah, Chakraborty, Sourav, Whitehead, Susan R., Powell, Jeff R., Bonello, Pierluigi, Bowers, M. Deane, Cipollini, Don, 2015
Bioenergy Feedstocks at Low Risk for Invasion in the USA: a “White List” Approach
Bioenergy Research, Quinn, Lauren D., Gordon, Doria R., Glaser, Aviva, Lieurance, Deah, Flory, S. Luke, 2015
Soil biota affect mycorrhizal infection and growth of Impatiens capensis and alter the effects of Lonicera maackii rhizosphere extracts1
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, Ali, Jonathan, Lieurance, Deah, Cipollini, Don, 2015