Estelle Couradeau
- Assistant Professor of Soils and Environmental Microbiology
University Park, PA 16802
- Email
Naïve Bayes Classifiers and accompanying dataset for Pseudomonas syringae isolate characterization
Scientific data, Fautt, Chad, Couradeau, Estelle, Hockett, Kevin, 2024
Evaluation of the taxonomic accuracy and pathogenicity prediction power of 16 primer sets amplifying single copy marker genes in the Pseudomonas syringae species complex
Molecular Plant Pathology, Fautt, Chad, Hockett, Kevin, Couradeau, Estelle, 2023
BONCAT-FACS-Seq reveals the active fraction of a biocrust community undergoing a wet-up event
Frontiers in Microbiology, Trexler, Ryan V., Van Goethem, Marc W., Goudeau, Danielle, Nath, Nandita, Malmstrom, Rex R., Northen, Trent R., Couradeau, Estelle, 2023
Microbial carbon, sulfur, iron, and nitrogen cycling linked to the potential remediation of a meromictic acidic pit lake
ISME Journal, Ayala-Munoz, Diana, Ayala-Muñoz, Diana, Macalady, Jennifer L., Sanchez-Espana, Javier, Sánchez-España, Javier, Falagan, Carmen, Falagán, Carmen, Couradeau, Estelle, Burgos, William D., 2022
Novel Microorganisms Contribute to Biosulfidogenesis in the Deep Layer of an Acidic Pit Lake
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Ayala-Muñoz, Diana, Ayala-Munoz, Diana, Burgos, William, Sánchez-España, Javier, Sanchez-Espana, Javier, Falagán, Carmen, Falagan, Carmen, Couradeau, Estelle, Macalady, Jennifer L., 2022
Temporal and spatial dynamics of bacterial and fungal microbiomes in nursery soils post-steaming
PhytoFrontiers, Crandall, S, Miles, Asha, Chung, Taejung, Cloutier, Mara, Garcia-Rodriguez, Raymond, Schweigkofler, Wolfgang, Couradeau, Estelle, 2022
Novel Methods for Studying the Structure and Function of Hot Desert Microorganisms and Their Communities, Van Goethem, Marc, Couradeau, Estelle, Northen, Trent, 2022
Sustainable soil health, Bruns, Maryann Victoria, Couradeau, Estelle, 2021
Bypass and hyperbole in soil science: A perspective from the next generation of soil scientists
Journal of Soil Sciences, Portell, Xavier, Sauzet, Ophélie, Balseiro-Romero, María, Benard, Pascal, Cardinael, Rémi, Couradeau, Estelle, Danra, Dieudonné D., Evans, Daniel L., Fry, Ellen L., Hammer, Edith C., Mamba, Danielle, Merino-Martín, Luis, Mueller, Carsten W., Paradelo, Marcos, Rees, Frédéric, M. W. Rossi, Lorenzo, Schmidt, Hannes, Schnee, Laura S., Védère, Charlotte, Vidal, Alix, 2021
Sustainable soil health, Bruns, M, Couradeau, Estelle, 2021
Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic study of microbial metal resistance in an acidic pit lake
Microorganisms, Ayala-Munoz, Diana, Ayala-Muñoz, Diana, Burgos, William D., Sánchez-España, Javier, Sanchez-Espana, Javier, Couradeau, Estelle, Falagán, Carmen, Falagan, Carmen, Macalady, Jennifer L., 2020
Biological Soil Crusts as Modern Analogs for the Archean Continental Biosphere: Insights from Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes
Astrobiology, Thomazo, Christophe, Couradeau, Estelle, Giraldo-Silva, Anna, Marin-Carbonne, Johanna, Brayard, Arnaud, Homann, Martin, Sansjofre, Pierre, Lalonde, Stefan V., Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2020
Probing the active fraction of soil microbiomes using BONCAT-FACS
Nature Communications, Couradeau, Estelle, Sasse, Joelle, Goudeau, Danielle, Nath, Nandita, Hazen, Terry C., Bowen, Ben P., Chakraborty, Romy, Malmstrom, Rex R., Northen, Trent R., 2019
Spatial segregation of the biological soil crust microbiome around its foundational cyanobacterium, Microcoleus vaginatus, and the formation of a nitrogen-fixing cyanosphere
Microbiome, Couradeau, Estelle, Giraldo-Silva, Ana, De Martini, Francesca, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2019
Microhydrological niches in soils: How mucilage and EPS alter the biophysical properties of the rhizosphere and other biological hotspots
Vadose Zone Journal, Benard, Pascal, Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen, Brax, Mathilde, Kaltenbach, Robin, Jerjen, Iwan, Marone, Federica, Couradeau, Estelle, Felde, Vincent J.M.N.L., Kaestner, Anders, Carminati, Andrea, 2019
Optimizing de novo genome assembly from PCR-amplified metagenomes
PeerJ, Roux, Simon, Trubl, Gareth, Goudeau, Danielle, Nath, Nandita, Couradeau, Estelle, Ahlgren, Nathan A., Zhan, Yuanchao, Marsan, David, Chen, Feng, Fuhrman, Jed A., Northen, Trent R., Sullivan, Matthew B., Rich, Virginia I., Malmstrom, Rex R., Eloe-Fadrosh, Emiley A., 2019
Possible nitrogen fertilization of the early Earth Ocean by microbial continental ecosystems
Nature Communications, Thomazo, Christophe, Couradeau, Estelle, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2018
A novel method to evaluate nutrient retention by biological soil crust exopolymeric matrix
Plant and Soil, Swenson, Tami L., Couradeau, Estelle, Bowen, Benjamin P., De Philippis, Roberto, Rossi, Federico, Mugnai, Gianmarco, Northen, Trent R., 2018
In Situ X-Ray Tomography Imaging of Soil Water and Cyanobacteria From Biological Soil Crusts Undergoing Desiccation
Frontiers in Environmental Science, Couradeau, Estelle, Felde, Vincent J.M.N.L., Parkinson, Dilworth, Uteau, Daniel, Rochet, Alexis, Cuellar, Charlene, Winegar, Geoffrey, Peth, Stephan, Northen, Trent R., Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2018
Large blooms of Bacillales (Firmicutes) underlie the response to wetting of cyanobacterial biocrusts at various stages of maturity
mBio, Karaoz, Ulas, Couradeau, Estelle, da Rocha, Ulisses Nunes, Lim, Hsiao Chien, Northen, Trent, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, Brodie, Eoin L., 2018
A new niche for anoxygenic phototrophs as endoliths
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Roush, Daniel, Couradeau, Estelle, Guida, Brandon, Neuer, Susanne, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2018
A new niche for anoxygenic phototrophs as endoliths
Applied and environmental microbiology, Roush, Daniel, Couradeau, Estelle, Guida, Brandon, Neuer, Susanne, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2018
Description of Gloeomargarita lithophora gen. nov., sp. nov., a thylakoid-bearing, basal-branching cyanobacterium with intracellular carbonates, and proposal for Gloeomargaritales ord. nov
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, Moreira, David, Tavera, Rosaluz, Benzerara, Karim, Skouri-Panet, Fériel, Couradeau, Estelle, Gérard, Emmanuelle, Fonta, Céline Loussert, Novelo, Eberto, Zivanovic, Yvan, López-García, Purificación, 2017
Diversity and mineral substrate preference in endolithic microbial communities from marine intertidal outcrops (Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico)
Biogeosciences, Couradeau, Estelle, Roush, Daniel, Guida, Brandon Scott, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2017
Bacteria increase arid-land soil surface temperature through the production of sunscreens
Nature Communications, Couradeau, Estelle, Karaoz, Ulas, Lim, Hsiao Chien, Nunes Da Rocha, Ulisses, Northen, Trent, Brodie, Eoin, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, 2016
Protocols for the Study of Microbe--Mineral Interactions in Modern Microbialites, Couradeau, Estelle, Benzerara, Karim, Moreira, David, Lopez-Garcia, Purificacion, None, 2015