Edward Ciolkosz, Ph.D.

Edward Ciolkosz, Ph.D.

  • Professor Emeritus of Soil Genesis and Morphology
415 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Ph.D., Soil Science (Geology minor), University of Wisconsin, 1967
  • M.S., Soil Science, University of Wisconsin, 1964
  • B.S., Soil Science, University of Wisconsin, 1962

Responsibilities and Interests

Soil genesis, mapping, and classification; soil geomorphology; soil characterization; land use; environmental soil science.


Professional Background

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, The Pennsylvania State University, 1967–1974.
  • Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, The Pennsylvania State University, 1974–1979.
  • Professor, Department of Agronomy, The Pennsylvania State University, 1979–2006.
  • Emeritus Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, 2006 to present.

Selected Publications

  1. Drohan, P. J., E. J. Ciolkosz, and G. W. Petersen. 2003. Soil survey mapping unit accuracy as compared to soil series description data in a forested field plots in Northern Pennsylvania. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:208–214.
  2. Duiker, S. W., D. A. Miller, J. M. Hunter, E. J. Ciolkosz, and W. J. Waltman. 2003. No-till management intensity zones for Pennsylvania. Editors. Garcia-Torres et al., Conservation Agriculture. Klawer Academic Pubs. pp. 249–252.
  3. Ciolkosz, E. J. and S. Uziak. 2003. Clay minerals of some European Chennozems. Polish J. Soil Sci. 36:153–162.
  4. Mount, H. R., R. F. Paetzold, E. J. Ciolkosz, A. Topalanchik, R. Pile, and R. Dobos. 2002. Deep soil temperatures in Centre County Pennsylvania. Ch 7.23 in H. R. Mount and R. F. Paetzold. The temperature regions for selected soils of the United States. USDA-NRCS. Soil Sur. Inv. Rept. 48. pp. 193–200.
  5. Ciolkosz, E. J. 2001. The pH-base saturation relationships of Pennsylvania subsoils. Penn State University Agronomy Series 149. 9 pp.
  6. Ciolkosz, E. J. and W. J. Waltman. 2000. Pennsylvania's Fragipans. Penn State University Agronomy Series 147. 37 pp.
  7. Pollack, J., E. J. Ciolkosz, and W. D. Sevon. 2000. Ped-geomorphology in the piedmont upland of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Southeast Geology 29:161–181.
  8. Greeman, D.J., A.W. Rose, J.W. Washington, R.R. Dobos, and E.J. Ciolkosz. 1999. Geochemistry of radium in soils of the eastern United States. Applied Geochem 14:365–385.
  9. Ciolkosz, E.J., J.J. Eckenrode, N.J. Churchill, and G.H. Lipscomb. 1999. Pennsylvania soil survey biographies. Penn State University Agronomy Series 143.  72 pp. Article.
  10. Eckenrode, J.J. and E.J. Ciolkosz.  1999.  Pennsylvania soil survey: The first 100 years.  Penn State University Agronomy Series 144.  24 pp. Article.
  11. Ciolkosz, E.J., R.L. Day, R.C. Cronce, and R.R. Dobos.  1999.  Soils (Pedology).  In C.H. Shultz (ed.).  The Geology of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geologic Survey 4th Series Special Pub. No. 1:692–699.
  12. Ciolkosz, E.J. and W.J. Waltman. 1998. Cambic horizons in Pennsylvania soils. Soil Survey Horizons 39:75–91.
  13. Ciolkosz, E.J., R.L. Cunningham, and J.J. Eckenrode. 1998. Pennsylvania soil survey history. Pennsylvania State University Agronomy Series 142. 45pp.
  14. Ciolkosz, E.J., R.C. Stehouwer, and M.K. Amistadi. 1998. Metals data for Pennsylvania soils. Pennsylvania State University Agronomy Series 140. 56pp.
  15. Calmon, M.A., R.L. Day, E.J. Ciolkosz and G.W. Petersen. 1998. Soil morphology as an indication of soil hydrology on a hillslope underlain by a fragipan. In Quantifying Soil Hydromorphology. SSSA special pub. No. 54, p. 129–150.
  16. Mader, W.F. and E.J. Ciolkosz. 1997. The effects of periglacial processes on the genesis of soils on the unglaciated northern Appalachain plateau landscape. Soil Survey Horizons 38:19–30.
  17. Waltman, W.J., E.J. Ciolkosz, M.J. Mausbach, M.D. Svoboda, D.A. Miller, and P.J. Kolb. 1997. Soil climate regimes of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Ag. Expt. Sta. Bull. 873. 235pp.
  18. Ciolkosz, E.J., W.J. Waltman, N.C. Thurman, D.L. Cremeens, and M.D. Svoboda. 1996 Argillic horizons in Pennsylvania soils. Soil Survey Horizons 37:20–44.
  19. Engel, S.A., T.W. Gardner, and E.J. Ciolkosz. 1996. Quaternery soil chronosequences on terraces of the Susquehanna River Pennsylvania. Geomorphology 17:273–294.
  20. Ciolkosz, E.J., W.J. Waltman, D.A. Miller, and P.J. Kolb. 1996. Epipedons in Pennsylvania soils. Pennsylvania State University Agronomy Series 139. 22pp.
  21. Waltman, S. W. and E. J. Ciolkosz. 1995. Prairie soil development in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Soil Sci. 160:199–208.
  22. Ciolkosz, E. J., W. J. Waltman, and N. C. Thurman. 1995. Fragipans in Pennsylvania soils. Soil Survey Horizons 36:5–20.
  23. Ciolkosz, E. J. 1995. An early history of the Penn State University Agronomy Department. Pennsylvania State University Agronomy Series 134. 16pp.
  24. Ciolkosz, E. J., R. C. Cronce, W. D. Sevon, and W. J. Waltman. 1995. Genesis of Pennsylvania's limestone soils. Pennsylvania State University Agronomy Series 135. 26 pp.
  25. Washington, J.W., A.W. Rose, E.J. Ciolkosz, and R.R. Dobos. 1994. Gas diffusion and permeability in four soil profiles in central Pennsylvania. Soil Sci. 57:65–76.
  26. Thurman, N.C., E.J. Ciolkosz, and R.R. Dobos. 1994. Pennsylvania State University soil characterization laboratory methods manual (2nd ed.). Pennsylvania State University Agronomy Series No. 117. 119 pp.
  27. Ciolkosz, E.J. and N.C. Thurman. 1994. Listing of characterized soils in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State University Agronomy Series No. 132.
  28. Ciolkosz, E.J. and N.C. Thurman. 1994. Soil development in till in northeastern Pennsylvania. In D.D. Braun (ed.) Late Wisconsinan to Pre-Illinoian Glacial and Periglacial Events in Eastern Pennsylvania. Bloomsburg Univ., Bloomsburg, PA. pp 24–29.
  29. Braun, D.D., E.J. Ciolkosz, J.D. Inners, and J. Epstein. 1994. Late Wisconsinan to pre-Illinoian (G?) glacial and periglacial events in eastern Pennsylvania. Bloomsburg Univ., Bloomsburg, PA. 118 pp.