Gary San Julian, Ph.D.

Gary San Julian, Ph.D.

  • Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources
401 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • B.S., West Virginia University (1970)
  • M.Ed., Clemson University (1974)
  • Ph.D., Colorado State University (1978)

Academic Interests

Wildlife ecology; wildlife damage management; environmental education; and human dimensions of natural resources

Courses Taught

Conservation of Natural Resources Natural Resources Advocacy Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife Management Resource Conservation Natural Resources Public Relations

Professional Affiliation/Achievements

Human Dimensions in Wildlife Study Group Charter Member; Animal Damage Control Committee Chairman (3 years); International Technical Communication Award of Achievement, Society of Technical Communication; Associate Editor, The Wildlife Society Executive Committee, Pennsylvania Wildlife Federation Board of Directors - The Wildlife Society, Working group on wildlife damage management

Recent Research/Educational Projects

Walk Into the Wild An educational video on endangered species was completed with the Amway Corporation in cooperation with National Wildlife Federation (NWF). Amway filmed, produced, and paid for the program; technical advice on content was provided in part by NWF's Research and Education Department. The video was divided into three parts and supported by a teacher's guide that was attached to the protective sleeve of the video. Whales, red wolves, and whooping cranes were the subjects of the production. Women scientists were featured on two of the segments with high school students as hosts for the show. It was filmed on location and used the San Diego Zoo's wildlife center as a common theme for the program.

Promoting Environmental Education - An Action Handbook for Strengthening EE in Your State and Community  In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin at Steven's Point, the National Wildlife Federation through the Research and Education Department supported a graduate program to develop a manual for environmental education advocacy. The book focuses on action programs to develop EE with state and local resources. The case study approach helps organizers to see exactly how it can be done. The EE legislation in Pennsylvania was in part based on this model.

Ecodemia - Campus Environmental Stewardship at the Turn of the 21st Century  This book was written by Julian Keniry, National Coordinator of the Campus Ecology Program at National Wildlife Federation in the Affiliate and Regional Affairs Department. It shows how staff, administrators, faculty, and students are working together to change the way their campuses address environmental issues, such as procurement, solid waste, landscaping, and energy.

Selected Publications

Van Druff, L.W., E.G. Bolen, and G.J. San Julian. 1994. Management of urban wildlife. Pages 507-530 in T.A. Bookhout (ed.). Research and management techniques for wildlife and habitats. Fifth Ed. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

San Julian, G.J. 1989. Animal damage control and the wildlife profession. Pages 248-252 in Proceedings of the Fourth Eastern Wildlife Damage Control Conference.

San Julian, G.J. 1988. Animal rights and wildlife management: a question of perspective. Friend of Wildlife 35(1):6.

San Julian, G.J. 1985. What you want to know about all you ever heard concerning snake repellents. Pages 243-248 in Proceedings of the Second Eastern Wildlife Conference.

San Julian, G.J. H.A. Phillips, R.B. Hazel, and D.T. Harke. 1984. North Carolina Animal Damage Control Manual. NC Agric. Ext. Serv. NCADCM 1-20. Raleigh, North Carolina.