William Elmendorf, Ph.D.

William Elmendorf, Ph.D.

  • Professor and Ibberson Chair in Community and Urban Forestry
232 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Technical assistance to municipalities in preparation and enactment of environmental ordinances and other policy.


  • B.S., University of Montana (1980)
  • M.B.A., University of Montana (1986)
  • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University (2002)

Academic Interests

Using land-use planning and regulatory policy to conserve green infrastructure in community development; peoples' landscape preference and behavior; community forest planning and management.

Courses Taught

HDNRE 574- Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Environment

HDNRE 590- Colloquium

FOR 450- Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (writing intensive)

FOR 401- Urban Forestry Management

Professional Affiliation and Service


Chair Elect, Society of American Foresters (SAF) Urban Forestry Working Group; Member, SAF Science and Technology Board; Member, SAF Education Policy Review Committee; President Elect, International Society of Arboriculture Penn-Del Chapter; Member, Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan Forestry Working Group; Chair, Borough of State College Municipal Tree Commission.

Penn State

Chair, Penn State University Tree Commission; Co-Director, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Environment Intercollege Program; Member, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Non-Tenure Promotion Review Committee; Member, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management Forest Science Curriculum Committee; Director and Team Leader, Penn State Extension Urban Forestry Program. 

Recent Research

Study of Pennsylvania County Planning Commissioners' attitudes towards and knowledge of using land use planning and regulatory policy to conserve forests and woodlands in community development.

Selected Publications

Published by USDA Forest Service and Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of Forestry

Chapters published by USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area: State and Private Forestry in Changing Landscapes: A Natural Resource Curriculum for Natural Resource Professionals. [Access] http://landscapestewardship.org/changing-landscapes-factsheets-page 

Elmendorf, W. 2014.  “Principles of ecosystem services." Changing Landscapes. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 12pp.         

Elmendorf, W. 2014. “Non-regulatory approaches to natural resource conservation." Changing Landscapes. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 11pp.

Raphael, D., N. Steen, and W. Elmendorf. 2014. “Regulatory approaches to protecting natural resources."  Changing Landscapes. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 11pp.

Elmendorf, W. 2014.  “Comprehensive planning for natural resource conservation." Changing Landscapes.  Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 9pp.         

Elmendorf, W. 2014. “Developing a natural resource assessment." Changing Landscapes.  Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 9pp.    

Elmendorf, W., and V. Cotrone. 2014. “Managing stormwater with green infrastructure." Changing Landscapes. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 8pp.       

Elmendorf, W. 2014. “Participation with conflict in mind." Changing Landscapes. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 7pp.      

Elmendorf, W., and J. Finley. 2014. “Forest stewardship:  Planning for healthy forests and timber operations." Changing Landscapes. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 10pp.      

Elmendorf, W. 2014. “An American history of planning." Changing Landscapes.  Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 9pp.      

Elmendorf, W.2014. “Developing and Measuring effective local policy." Changing Landscapes.  Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 8pp.    

Elmendorf, W. 2014. “The power of green in community development." Changing Landscapes. Newton Square, Pennsylvania: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area. 6pp.    

Elmendorf, W., and Reyna, R. 2019. TreeVitalize: Guide for Tree Selection, Planting, and Care. Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of Forestry, Harrisburg. 26p.

Journal Articles

Gerhold, H., W. Elmendorf, and R. Stahl. 1994. "Urban foresters and roadside managers meet at the crossroads." Journal of Forestry 92(10):21.

Elmendorf, W.F., and A. E. Luloff. 1999. "Using ecosystem-based and traditional land use planning to conserve greenspace." Journal of Arboriculture 25(5): 264-273.

Elmendorf, W.F., and A. E. Luloff. 2001. "Using qualitative data collection methods when planning for community forests." Journal of Arboriculture 27(3):139-151.

Elmendorf, W. F., V. J. Cotrone, and J. T. Mullen. 2003. "Urban forestry practices and sustainability: Contrasting a Pennsylvania study." Journal of Arboriculture 29(4): 237-249.

Elmendorf, W.F., T. Watson, and S. Lilly. 2005. "Arboriculture and urban forestry education in the United States: Results of an educators survey." Journal of Arboriculture 31(3): 138-149.

Elmendorf, W. F., F. Willits, and V. Sasisharan. 2005. "Urban park and forest participation and landscape preference: A review of the relevant literature." Journal of Arboriculture 31(6): 311-317.

Elmendorf, W. F., F. Willits, V. Sasisharan, and G. Godbey. 2005. "Urban park and forest participation and landscape preference: A comparison between Blacks and Whites in Philadelphia and Atlanta." Journal of Arboriculture 31(6): 318-326.

Ching-Hua, Ho., V. Sasisharan., W. Elmendorf., F. Willits., A. Graefe., and G. Godbey. 2005. "Gender and ethnic variation in urban park preferences, visitation, and perceived benefits." Journal of Leisure Research . 37(3): 124-135.

Thompson, J., W. Elmendorf, M. McDonough, and L. Burban. 2005 "Participation and conflict: Lessons learned from community forestry." Journal of Forestry . 103(4):174- 178.

Elmendorf, W.F., and A. E. Luloff. 2006. "Using key informant interviews to better understand open space conservation in a developing watershed." Journal of Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 32(2):54-61.

Elmendorf, W. 2008. “The importance of trees and nature in community: A review of the relative literature."  Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 34(3):152-156.

Lord, B., and W. Elmendorf. 2008. “Are recreation organizations representative of all participants?" Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 26(1):87-96.

Stevenson, T., H. Gerhold, and W. Elmendorf. 2008. “Attitudes of municipal officials towards street tree programs in Pennsylvania, U.S."  Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 34(3): 144-151.

Book Chapters and Books

Elmendorf, W. 1998.  Overview of Urban Ecology.  Pp. 381-395 in S. Majumdar, Miller, D. Baker, E. Brown, J. Pratt, and R. Schmalz (eds.), Conservation and Resource Management. Easton, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, Department of Biology, Lafayette College.

Elmendorf, W. 1999. Urban Forest Management. Pp. 341- 358 in S. Majumdar, E. Miller, and F. Brenner (eds.), Forests: A Global Perspective. Easton, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Department of Biology, Lafayette College.

Elmendorf, W. 2000. Land Planning: The Community Forest. Pp. 61-76 in J. Kuser (ed.), Urban and Community Forestry in the Northeast, First Edition.  New York: Plenum.

Elmendorf, W. 2007. Land Planning: The Community Forest.  Pp. 79-98 in J. Kuser (ed.), Urban and Community Forestry in the Northeast, Second Edition.  New York: Springer Science.

Elmendorf, W., and M. Rios. 2008. From Environmental Racism to Civic Environmentalism: Using Participation to Build Capacity in the Belmont Neighborhood of West Philadelphia." in Wilmsen, W. Elmendorf, L. Fisher, J. Ross, B. Sarathy, and G. Wells (eds.), Partnerships for Empowerment: Participatory Research for Community-based Natural Resource Management. London, England: Earthscan.

Wilmsen, W. Elmendorf, L. Fisher, J. Ross, B. Sarathy, and G. Wells. 2008.Participation, Relationships, and Empowerment. Pp. 259-264 in C. Wilmsen, W. Elmendorf, L. Fisher, J. Ross, B. Sarathy, and G. Wells (eds.), Partnerships for Empowerment: Participatory Research for Community Natural Resource Management. London, England: Earthscan.

Wilmsen, W. Elmendorf, L. Fisher, J. Ross, B. Sarathy, and G. Wells (eds.). 2008. Partnerships for Empowerment: Participatory Research for Community-based Natural Resource Management. London, England: Earthscan. 292pp

Elmendorf, W. 2019. Using Community Planning to Conserve Green Infrastructure and Water Quality.  Pp. 289 - 318. in Levia, D.F., Carlyle-Moses, D.E., Lida, S., Michalzik, B., Nanko, K., and Tisher, A. (eds.), Forest-water Interactions. Springer Nature, Switzerland.   

Penn State Extension Publications

Elmendorf, W.F., 1994. Sustaining and Funding an Urban Forestry Program. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ., Cooperative Extension. 2pp.

Elmendorf, W. F. 1994. Municipal Tree Commissions. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 2pp.

Elmendorf, W.F. 1994. Working with Local Government for Successful Urban Forests. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 2pp.

Elmendorf, W.F. 1994. Opportunities for Volunteers. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 4pp.

Elmendorf, W. F. 1994. Annual Budgets for Community Tree Programs. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 2pp.

Elmendorf, W.F. 1994. Annual Work Plans for Tree Commissions. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 2pp.

Elmendorf, W., and H. Gerhold. 1996. Editors and Contributors. A Guide for Municipal Tree Commissions. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Forestry Association and Pennsylvania Bureau of Conservation and Natural Resources. 52pp.

Elmendorf, W. and H. Gerhold. 1997. Pruning Landscape Trees. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 10pp.

Bazan, E.J., W. F. Elmendorf, and H. D. Gerhold. 1997. Fundraising for Community Forestry Projects. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Urban and Community Forestry Council. 31pp.

Elmendorf, W. and H. Gerhold. 1998. Don't Top Trees. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 2pp.

Elmendorf, W., H. Gerhold and L. Kuhns. 1998. Preserving Trees in Development Projects. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 26 pp.

Gerhold, H. and W. Elmendorf. 1998. Questions about Trees and Utilities. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 2pp.

Elmendorf, W. F., and S. Smith. 1999. Planting Trees in Your Urban Forest: A Guide for Youth. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 32pp.

Elmendorf, W. F., H. D. Gerhold, and L. Kuhns. 2000. Young Tree Planting and After Care. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State University Cooperative Extension. 30pp.

Elmendorf, W.F., G. Morman, and H. Gerhold. 2000. Seven Common Diseases of Pennsylvania Landscape Trees. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 7pp.

Elmendorf, W.F. and J. Finley. A Guide to Backyard Trees. 2001. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State Cooperative Extension Forest Stewardship Program. 15pp.

Smith, S., W. Elmendorf., and H. Gerhold. 2005. From the Woods: Community Forests. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 4pp.

Elmendorf, W., D. Kincaid, and J. Clay. 2005. Working with the Media: A Guide for Tree, Environmental Advisory, and Planning Commissions. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Cooperative Extension. 44pp.

Elmendorf, W. 2020. Planting and Aftercare of Community Trees. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State University Extension. 60pp.

Schieffer, J. and Elmendorf, W. 2020. Pruning Landscape Trees. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penna. State Univ. Extension. 10pp.


Associate Editor Social and Economic Urban Forestry. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry.

Sylvan Communities.  1997–2008. Creator and editor, 15 magazine issues. Published by Pennsylvania Urban and Community Forestry Council and Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of Forestry.

Extramural Funding

As Principal or Co-Principal Investigator, $12,700,000.