Robert S. Hansen
Bradford County
(570) 265-2896

Region: Bradford, Tioga, Lycoming, and Sullivan counties.

Focus: Forest management, silviculture, maple syrup production, youth forestry education

David R. Jackson
Centre County
(814) 355-4897

Region: Centre, Clinton, Clearfield, and Jefferson counties.

Focus: Sustainable forestry education, woodlot and wildlife management practices, deer impacts, forest ecology, silviculture, tree identification, forest measurements, forest herbicides, and natural resources youth education

Tim G. Pierson
Affiliate Assistant Professor
McKean County
(814) 887-5613

Region: McKean, Potter, Elk and Cameron counties.

Focus: Forest industry extension in Warren and Forest counties. Forest health, forest sustainability, silviculture training, forest management planning, forest ecology, deer management planning, private landowner education, forest industry education, youth education

Scott Weikert
Forest County
(814) 755-3544

Region: McKean, Elk, and Forest counties.

Focus: Forestry and wood products education for private forest landowners and forest industry