Jill Hamilton

Jill Hamilton

  • Associate Professor & Director, Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics
  • Joseph E. Ibberson Chair in Silviculture Research for Pennsylvania
323 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Population Genomics
  • Conservation Genetics
  • Molecular Ecology
  • Evolution
  • Quantitative Genetics
  • Climate Change
  • Ex Situ Conservation


  • PhD University of British Columbia
  • MS Queen's University
  • BSc (Honours) University of Winnipeg


Genomic insights into hybrid zone formation: The role of climate, landscape, and demography in the emergence of a novel hybrid lineage
Molecular Ecology, Bolte, Constance E., Phannareth, Tommy, Zavala-Paez, Michelle, Sutara, Brianna N., Can, Muhammed F., Fitzpatrick, Matthew C., Holliday, Jason A., Keller, Stephen R., Hamilton, Jill A., 2024

Climate and habitat type interact to influence contemporary dispersal potential in Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum)
Ecology and Evolution, Sullivan, Lauren L., Portlas, Zoe M., Jaeger, Kelsey M., Hoffner, Mercedes, Hamilton, Jill A., 2024

Leveraging whole-genome sequencing to estimate telomere length in plants
Molecular Ecology Notes, Zavala-Paez, Michelle, Holliday, Jason, Hamilton, Jill A., 2024

Seed sourcing for climate-resilient grasslands: The role of seed source diversity during early restoration establishment
Ecology and Evolution, Lindstrom, Jessica, Ahlering, Marissa, Hamilton, Jill, 2023

Preserving range-wide genetic diversity of Fraxinus nigra
Tree Seed Working Group News Bulletin, Canadian Forest Genetics Association, Lehrer, Melissa, Hamilton, Jill, 2023

Landscape transcriptomics as a tool for addressing global change effects across diverse species
Molecular Ecology Notes, Keagy, Jason, Drummond, Chloe P., Gilbert, Kadeem J., Grozinger, Christina M., Hamilton, Jill, Hines, Heather M., Lasky, Jesse, Logan, Cheryl A., Sawers, Ruairidh, Wagner, Tyler, 2023

Environmental contributions to the evolution of trait differences in Geum triflorum: Implications for restoration
American Journal of Botany, Volk, Kate, Braasch, Joseph, Ahlering, Marissa, Hamilton, Jill A., 2022

Reduced representation sequencing to understand the evolutionary history of Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana parry) with implications for rare species conservation
Molecular Ecology, Di Santo, Lionel N., Hoban, Sean, Parchman, Thomas L., Wright, Jessica W., Hamilton, Jill A., 2022

Bibliometric Analysis of the Structure and Evolution of Research on Assisted Migration
Current Forestry Reports, Benomar, Lahcen, Elferjani, Raed, Hamilton, Jill, O’Neill, Greg A., Echchakoui, Said, Bergeron, Yves, Lamara, Mebarek, 2022

One hundred years into the study of ecotypes, new advances are being made through large-scale field experiments in perennial plant systems
Current Opinion in Plant Biology, VanWallendael, Acer, Lowry, David B., Hamilton, Jill A., 2022

The relevance of pedigrees in the conservation genomics era
Molecular Ecology, Galla, Stephanie J., Brown, Liz, Couch-Lewis Ngāi Tahu Te Hapū O Ngāti Wheke Ngāti Waewae, Yvette, Cubrinovska, Ilina, Eason, Daryl, Gooley, Rebecca M., Hamilton, Jill A., Heath, Julie A., Hauser, Samantha S., Latch, Emily K., Matocq, Marjorie D., Richardson, Anne, Wold, Jana R., Hogg, Carolyn J., Santure, Anna W., Steeves, Tammy E., 2022

Seed morphological traits as a tool to quantify variation maintained in ex situ collections: A case study in Pinus torreyana
AoB PLANTS, Di Santo, Lionel N., Polgar, Monica, Nies, Storm, Hodgkiss, Paul, Canning, Courtney A., Wright, Jessica W., Hamilton, Jill A., 2021

The relevance of pedigrees in the conservation genomics era
Molecular Ecology, Galla, Stephanie, Brown, Liz, Couch-Lewis, Yvette, Cubrinovska, Ilina, Eason, Daryl, Hamilton, Jill, Heath, Julie, Hauser, Samantha, Latch, Emily, Matocq, Marjorie, Richardson, Anne, Wold, Jana, Hogg, Carolyn, Santure, Anna, 2021

Seed morphology and emergence variability in a conservation collection of Pinus torreyana
AOB Plants, Di Santo, None, Polgar, Monica, Nies, Storm, Hodgkiss, Paul, Canning, Cour, Wright, Jessica, Hamilton, Jill, 2021

Testing for evolutionary change in restoration: A genomic comparison between ex situ, native, and commercial seed sources of Helianthus maximiliani
Evolutionary Applications, Braasch, Joseph E., Di Santo, Lionel N., Tarble, Zachary J., Prasifka, Jarrad R., Hamilton, Jill A., 2021

Evolutionary approaches to seed sourcing for grassland restorations
New Phytologist, Hamilton, Jill, Flint, Shelby, Lindstrom, Jessica, Volk, Kate, Shaw, Ruth, Ahlering, Marissa, 2020

Evidence for population differentiation among Jeffrey and Ponderosa pines in survival, growth and phenology
Forest Ecology and Management, Martínez-Berdeja, Alejandra, Hamilton, Jill A., Bontemps, Aurore, Schmitt, Johanna, Wright, Jessica W., 2019

From transects to transcripts: Teasing apart the architecture of reproductive isolation
Molecular Ecology, Hamilton, Jill A., Miller, Joshua M., 2018

Genetic conservation and management of the California endemic, Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana Parry): Implications of genetic rescue in a genetically depauperate species
Ecology and Evolution, Hamilton, Jill A., Royauté, Raphaël, Wright, Jessica W., Hodgskiss, Paul, Ledig, F. Thomas, 2017

Mixing it up: the role of hybridization in forest management and conservation under climate change
Forests, Janes, Jasmine, Hamilton, Jill, 2017

Evolutionary Restoration Ecology, Stockwell, Craig A., Kinnison, Michael T., Hendry, Andrew P., Hamilton, Jill A., 2017

The joint influence of photoperiod and temperature during growth cessation and development of dormancy in white spruce (Picea glauca)
Tree Physiology, Hamilton, Jill A., El Kayal, Walid, Hart, Ashley T., Runcie, Daniel E., Arango-Velez, Adriana, Cooke, Janice E.K., 2016

Population structure and dispersal of wolves in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
Journal of Mammalogy, Cullingham, Catherine I., Thiessen, Conrad D., Derocher, Andrew E., Paquet, Paul C., Miller, Joshua M., Hamilton, Jill A., Coltman, David W., 2016

Interspecies hybridization in the conservation toolbox: Response to Kovach et al. (2016)
Conservation Biology, Miller, Joshua M., Hamilton, Jill A., 2016

Population structure and dispersal
Journal of Mammalogy, Cullingham, Catherine, Thiessen, Conrad, Derocher, Andrew, Paquet, Paul, Miller, Joshua, Hamilton, Jill, Coltman, David, 2016

Adaptive introgression as a resource for management and genetic conservation in a changing climate
Conservation Biology, Hamilton, Jill A., Miller, Joshua M., 2016

Fine-scale environmental variation contributes to introgression in a three-species spruce hybrid complex
Tree Genetics and Genomes, Hamilton, Jill A., De la Torre, Amanda R., Aitken, Sally N., 2015

Adaptive introgression as a resource for management and genetic conservation under climate change
Conservation Biology, Hamilton, Jill, Miller, Joshua, 2015

The role of climate adaptation in colonization success in Arabidopsis thaliana
Molecular Ecology, Hamilton, Jill A., Okada, Miki, Korves, Tonia, Schmitt, Johanna, 2015

The role of climate adaptation in colonization success in Arabidopsis thaliana
Molecular Ecology, Hamilton, Jill, Okada, Miki, Korves, Tonia, Schmitt, Johanna, 2015