Kopp, M.W., D. Alving, T. Blackman, M.W. Kaye, J. Duncan, J.P. Kaye, 2023. Critical zone perspectives for managing changing forests. Forest Ecology and Management 528: 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120627.
Wu, H., E.A.H. Smithwick, Z. Miller, R Wang, K.Y. Zipp, P.B. Newman, Y.-H. Shr, C. Dems, A.H. Taylor, and M.W. Kaye, 2022. Opportunities for prescribed fire implementation in the Mid-Atlantic, United States. Journal of Environmental Management 322: 116100 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116100
Fernandez, M. M. C. Casas, C. Bedano, D. Eissenstat, M.W. Kaye, I.M. Garcia, M.E. Kun, and LA. Garibaldi, 2022. Mite density, not diversity, declines with biomass removal in Patagonian woodlands. Applied Soil Ecology, 169, 104242. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104242.
Blomdahl, E.M., J.H. Speer, M.W. Kaye, N.E. Zampieri, M. Rochner, B. Currey, D. Alving, G.D. Cahalan, B. Hagedorn, H. Li, R. Oelkers, L. Pelletier, I. Thapa, K. Willson, B,D, Woodward, and R.J DeRose, 2022. Drivers of forest change in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Journal of Vegetation Science. Accepted, https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13141.
Maynard-Bean, E. and M.W. Kaye, 2021. The seasonal influence of invasive shrubs on light and temperature in an eastern deciduous forest understory. Natural Area Journal 41: 186-194. https://doi.org/10.3375/043.041.0304.
Dems, C.L., A. H. Taylor, E. A. H. Smithwick, J.K. Kreye, M.W. Kaye, 2021. Prescribed fire alters structure and composition of a mid-Atlantic oak forest up to eight years after burning. Fire Ecology 7:1-13.
Zhao, A., A.H. Taylor, E.A.H. Smithwick, M.W. Kaye, L.B. Harris, 2021. Simulated fire regimes favor oak and pine but affect carbon stocks in mixed oak forests in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Forest Ecology and Management 494: 119332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119332.
Maynard-Bean, E., M.W. Kaye, E.E. Burkhart, & T. Wagner, 2020. Citizen scientists record novel leaf phenology of invasive shrubs in eastern U.S. forests. Biological Invasions, DOI: 10.1007/s10530-020-02326-1.
Miller Z.D. Wu, K. Zipp, C.L. Dems, E. Smithwick, M.W. Kaye, P. Newman, A. Zhao & A. Taylor, 2020. Hunter and non-hunter perceptions of costs, benefits, and likelihood of outcomes of prescribed fire in the Mid-Atlantic region. Society & Natural Resource, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1780359.
Smeglin Y.H., K.J. Davis, Y. Shi, D.M. Eissenstat, J.P. Kaye, M.W. Kaye, 2020. Observing and Simulating Spatial Variations of Forest Carbon Stocks in Complex Terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125:e2019JG005160.
Reed, WP and M.W. Kaye, 2020. Bedrock type drives forest carbon storage and uptake across the mid-Atlantic Appalachian Ridge and Valley, U.S.A. Forest Ecology and Management, 460:117881.
Maynard-Bean, E. and M.W. Kaye, 2019. Invasive shrub removal benefits native plants in an eastern deciduous forest of North America. Invasive Plant Science and Management 12: 3-10.
Brubaker, K. M., Q.K. Johnson, and M.W. Kaye, 2018. Spatial patterns of tree and shrub biomass in a deciduous forest using leaf-off and leaf-on lidar. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48: 1020-1033.
Brantley, S. L., T.W. White, N. West, J.Z. Williams, D. Shapich, J.P. Kaye, H. Lin, S. Shi, M.W. Kaye, E. Herndon, K.J. Davis, Y. He, D. Eissenstat, J. Weitzman, R. DiBiase, L. Li, L., W.P. Reed, K. Brubaker, and X. Gu, 2018. Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Shale Hills in the context of Shaver’s Creek watershed. Vadose Zone Journal 17: 1-19.
D'Orangeville, L, J. Maxwell, D. Kneeshaw, N. Pederson, L. Duchesne, T. Logan, D. Houle, D. Arseneault, C.M. Beier, D. A. Bishop, D. Druckenbrod, S. Fraver, F. Girard, J. Halman, C. Hansen, J. Hart, H. Hartmann, M.W. Kaye, D. Leblanc, S. Manzoni, R. Ouimet, S. Rayback, C. Rollinson, and R. Phillips, 2018. Drought timing and local climate determine the sensitivity of eastern temperate forests to drought. Global Change Biology 24: 2339-2351.
Harley, G. L., C. H. Baisan, P. M. Brown, D.A. Falk, W.T. Flatley, H. Grissino-Mayer, A. Hessl, E. K. Heyerdahl, M.W. Kaye, C. W. Lafon, E. Q. Margolis, R. S. Maxwell, A.T. Naito, W.J. Platt; M.T. Rother; T. Saladyga, R.L. Sherriff, L.A. Stachowiak, M.C. Stambaugh, E. Kennedy Sutherland, A.H. Taylor, 2018. Advancing dendrochronological studies of fire in the United States. Fire 1: 11.
Heres, A.M., M.W. Kaye, E. Granda, R. Benavides, A. Lazaro-Nogal, A.E. Rubio-Casal, F. Valladares, and J.C. Yuste, 2018. Tree vigour influences secondary growth but not responsiveness to climatic variability in Holm oak. Dendrochronologia 49: 68-76.
Li, L., R. DiBiase, J. Del Vecchio, V. Marcon, B. Hoalgland, D. Xiao, C. Wayman, Q. Tang, Y. He, P. Silverhart, I. Szink, B. Forsythe, J. Z. Williams, D. Shapich, G. Mount, J.P. Kaye, L. Guo, H. Lin, D. Eissenstat, A. Dere, K. Brubaker, M.W. Kaye, K.J. Davis, T. Russo, and S.L. Brantley, 2018. The Effect of Lithology and Agriculture at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. Vadose Zone, 17: 1-15
Manning, D., M.W. Kaye, S. Perles, and D.A. Mortensen, 2018. Short-term vegetation responses following natural disturbance on preserved forest lands. Forests 9: 278.
Iavorivska, L., E.W. Boyer, J.W. Grimm, M.P. Miller, D.R. DeWalle, K. J. Davis and M.W. Kaye, 2017. Variability of dissolved organic carbon in precipitation during storms at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. Hydrological Processes 31: 2935-2950.
Sanchez-Salguero, R., A. Hevia, J. Camarero, K. Treydte, D. Frank, A. Crivellaro, M. Dominguez-Delmas, L. Hellman, R. Kaczka, M. Kaye, and others, 2017. An intensive tree-ring experience: Connecting education and research during the 25th European Dendroecological Fieldweek (Asturias, Spain). Dendrochronologia, 42: 80-93.
Kaye, J. P., M.W. Kaye, S.C. Hart, W.W. Covington, P. Z. Fulé, 2016. Slow carbon and nutrient accumulation in trees established following fire exclusion in the southwestern United States. Ecological Applications 26: 2402-2413.
Kaye, M. W. and C.M. Hone, 2016. Removal of invasive shrubs alters light but not leaf litter inputs in a deciduous forest understory. Restoration Ecology 24: 617-625.
Rollinson, C. R., M.W. Kaye, and C.D. Canham, 2016. Interspecific variation in growth responses to climate and competition of five eastern tree species. Ecology 97: 1003-1011.
Smith, L. A., D. Eissenstat and M.W. Kaye, 2016. Variability in aboveground carbon driven by slope aspect and curvature in an eastern deciduous forest, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 149-158. Editors choice.
Brantley, S., R. DiBiase, T. Russo, Y. Shi, H. Lin, K. Davis, M.W. Kaye, L. Hill, J.P. Kaye, A. Neal, and others, 2015. Designing a suite of measurements to understand the critical zone. Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 3: 1005-1059.
Rollinson, C. R., and M.W. Kaye, 2015. Modeling monthly temperature in mountainous ecoregions: importance of spatial scale for ecological research. Climate Research 642: 99-110.
Kaye, M.W. and R.J. Wagner, 2014. Eastern deciduous tree seedlings advance spring phenology in response to experimental warming, but not wetting, treatments. Plant Ecology 215: 543-554.
McDaniel, M., J.P. Kaye and M.W. Kaye, 2014. Do “hot moments” become hotter under climate change? Soil nitrogen dynamics from a climate manipulation experiment in a post-harvest forest. Biogeochemistry 121: 339-354.
McDaniel, M.D., J.P. Kaye, M.W. Kaye, and M.A. Bruns, 2014. Climate change interactions affect soil CO2 efflux and microbial functioning in a post-harvest forest. Oecologia 174:1437-1448.
Kulakowski, D., M.W. Kaye, and D.M. Kashian, 2013. Drivers of long-term aspen cover in the western U.S. Forest Ecology and Management 299: 52-59.
McDaniel, M.D., J.P. Kaye, and M.W. Kaye, 2013. Increased temperature and precipitation had limited effects on soil extracellular enzyme activities in a post-harvest forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 56: 90-98.
McDaniel, M.D. R.J. Wagner, C.R. Rollinson, B.A. Kimball, M.W. Kaye, and J.P. Kaye, 2013. Microclimate and ecological threshold responses from a warming and wetting experiment following whole-tree harvest in Central Pennsylvania. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 116: 287-299.
Silver, E.J., J. H. Speer, M.W. Kaye, N.J. Reo, S.W. Wood, L.F. Howard, A.K. Anning, and H.W. Wilbur, 2013. Fire history and age structure of an oak-pine forest on Price Mountain, Virginia. Natural Areas Journal 33: 440-447.
Rollinson, C.R., M.W. Kaye, and L.P. Leites, 2012. Community assembly and plant cover responses to experimental warming and increased precipitation of an early successional forest. Ecosphere 3: 1-17.
Ross, C, J.P. Kaye, M.W. Kaye, V.J Kurth, R. Brimmer, P.Z. Fulé, and S. Hart, 2012. Ecosystem carbon remains low for three decades following fire and constrains soil CO2 responses to precipitation in Southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Ecosystems 15: 725-740.
Rollinson, C.R. and M.W. Kaye, 2012. Experimental warming alters phenology of certain plant functional groups in an early-successional forest community. Global Change Biology 18: 1108-1116.
Wagner, R.J., M.D. Abrams, M.W. Kaye, P.J. Handson, and M Martin, 2012. Tree-ring growth and wood chemistry response to manipulated precipitation variation for two temperate Quercus species. Tree Ring Research 68: 17-29.
Kaye, M.W, 2011. Mesoscale synchrony in aspen establishment across the interior western US. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 389-397.
Kaye, M.W., S.T. Jackson, and C.A. Woodhouse, 2010. Persistence and expansion of ponderosa pine woodlands in the west-central Great Plains during the past two centuries. Journal of Biogeography 37: 1668-1683.
Fulé, P.Z., M. Ribas, E. Gutierrez, R. Vallejo, and M.W. Kaye, 2008. Forest structure and fire history in an old Pinus nigra forest, eastern Spain. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 1234-1242.
Morehouse, K., T. Johns, J.P. Kaye, and M.W. Kaye, 2008. Carbon and nitrogen cycling immediately following bark beetle outbreaks in a southwestern ponderosa pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 2698-2708.
Binkley, D., D.M. Kashian, S. Boyden, M.W. Kaye, J.B. Bradford, M.A. Arthur, P.J. Fornwalt, M.G. Ryan, 2006. Patterns of growth dominance in forests of the Rocky Mountains, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 236: 193-201.
Kaye, M.W., D. Binkely, and T.J. Stohlgren, 2005. Effects of conifer invasion and elk browsing on quaking aspen forests in the central Rocky Mountains, USA. Ecological Applications 15: 1284-1295.
Kaye, J.P., S.C. Hart, P.Z. Fulé, W.W. Covington, M.M. Moore, and M.W. Kaye, 2005. Initial carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous fluxes following ponderosa pine restoration treatments. Ecological Applications 15:1581-1593.
Binkley, D., F. Singer, M. Kaye, and R. Rochelle, 2003. Influence of elk grazing on soil properties in Rocky Mountain National Park. Forest Ecology and Management 185: 239-247.
Kaye, M.W., T.J. Stohlgren, and D. Binkley, 2003. Aspen structure and variability in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. Landscape Ecology 18:591-603.
Brown, P.B., M.W. Kaye, L.S. Huckaby, and C.H. Baisan, 2001. Local and regional influences on fire history in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico. Ecoscience 8: 105-114.
Kaye, J.P., S.C. Resh, M.W. Kaye, R.S. Chimner, 2000. Nutrient and carbon dynamics in a replacement series of Eucalyptus and Albizia trees. Ecology 81: 3267-3273.
Stohlgren, T.J, M.W. Kaye, A. D. McCrumb, Y. Otsuki, B. Pfister, and C.A. Villa 2000. Using new video mapping technology in landscape ecology. Bioscience 50: 529-536.
Brown, P.M., M.W. Kaye, and D. Buckley, 1999. Fire history in Douglas-fir and coast redwood forests at Point Reyes National Seashore, California. Northwest Science, 73: 205-216.
Kaye, M.W. and T.W. Swetnam, 1999. An assessment of fire, climate, and Apache history in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA. Physical Geography 20: 305-330.
Suarez, F., D. Binkley, M.W. Kaye, and R. Stottlemyer, 1999. Expansion of forest stands into tundra in the Noatak National Preserve, Northwest Alaska. Ecoscience 6: 465-470.