Our research in this area spans work on improving plot design to optimize estimation, simulating tree spatial patterns in forests, and modeling forest attributes such as canopy height and density with inventory, topographic, and remotely sensed data.
Related publications
Lister, A. and L. Leites. 2022. Cost implications of plot design choices for precise estimation of forest attributes in landscapes and forests of varying heterogeneity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 52(2): 188–200, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2020-0509
Lister, A.* and L. Leites. 2021. Designing plots for precise estimation of forest attributes in landscapes and forests of varying heterogeneity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 51(10): 1569-1578. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2020-0508
Lister, A., L. Leites. 2018. Modeling and simulation of tree spatial patterns in an oak-hickory forest with a novel, modular, and hierarchical spatial point process framework. Ecological Modelling. 378:37-45.
Brubaker, K., S. Johnson, J. Brinks, and L. Leites. 2014. Estimating canopy height of deciduous forests at a regional scale with leaf-off, low point density LiDAR. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 40(2):123-134.
Leites, L., A. Robinson, and N. Crookston. 2009. Accuracy and equivalence testing of crown ratio models and assessment of their impact on diameter growth and basal area increment predictions of two variants of the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39:655-665.
Leites, L. and A. Robinson. 2004. Improving taper equations of loblolly pine with crown dimensions in a mixed-effects modeling framework. Forest Science. 50(2):204-212.