Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association (MFMA) annually offers five scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each for secondary, advanced, or trade school education. Applicants must be accepted into one of the following fields of study: Architecture, Forest Management, Forest Products Technology, Forest Science, Forestry Studies, Wood Science & Engineering, Wood Science & Technology, other fields related to wood technology, or studying a trade that translates to the wood flooring industry. Application deadline is usually mid-July. 

Perfect Plants Scholarship - awarded annually to a student in the field of horticulture or agriculture; August 20 application deadline.

The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) Education & Research Foundation Wood Studies Scholarship -  nonrenewable $1,000 scholarship awarded each spring to one current high school senior and one college/university student who will study forestry in an effort to advance and improve forestry practices for generations to come. 

The Garden Club of America - Various scholarships and fellowships for the study of landscape architecture, horticulture, medicinal botany, ecological restoration, coastal wetlands, garden history and design, tropical botany, endangered bird habitat, field botany, urban forestry, desert studies, environmental science, and more. Deadlines vary.

Maryland Forestry Boards Foundation, Inc. Scholarships - available annually

Northern Tier Hardwood Association Scholarships - application due April 1 annually; scholarships awarded by July 1

Intertribal Timber Council Scholarship for Native American/Alaskan Natural Resource Students - available annually

Railway Tie Association Scholarship - usually available annually with a June 30 deadline

Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association Scholarship - usually available annually with a March or April application deadline

Davey Arbor Grant - usually available annually with a September or October application deadline

Women's Wildlife Management/Conservation Scholarship - November 1 application deadline

Alpha Gamma Rho - Penn State Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho offers two $1000 scholarships to incoming first-year students who plan to pursue a major in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship - January application deadline

Keystone Chapter of the Soil and Water Society

TREE Fund Scholarships - various deadlines

Wildlife for Everyone Foundation Scholarship - usually a January or February application deadline

Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society - April 30 application deadline

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Wildlife Leadership Awards - usually available annually with a March 1 application deadline

Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA) National Conservation Scholarship - May 15 application deadline

Katherine M McKenna Scholarship

Forest Landowner Foundation Scholarship - usually a February application deadline

Thomas Frair Scholarship at McKean County Community Foundation (MCCF) for forestry, agriculture - apply at MCCC website