Penn State Fish Museum and Ichthyological Collection
The Ichthyology collection at Penn State includes more than a million fishes. While the Museum holds many types of fishes from across the world, the ichthyological collection concentrates on freshwater fish from the mid-Atlantic United States.

Major holdings include specimens from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Lake Malawi, Africa. The collection includes voucher specimens of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service cooperative trout survey (Cooper, 1970) identifying the species of 100,000 fish, the largest collection of Pennsylvanian fishes known.

Students, researchers, and government agencies use the collection and related publications to study the impact of industrial development on the commonwealth’s waterways.

Research and Publications
Students, researchers, and government agencies use the collection and related publications to study the impact of industrial development and urbanization on the commonwealth’s waterways. Tracking human impact on the environment and on species includes documenting now-extinct species — fifty since a list of Pennsylvania species was made in the 1930s.