- Goddard Chair - Forestry & Environ. Conservation
- Professor - Ecosystem Science & Management
Areas of Expertise
- Watersheds, high mountain hydrology, glacier loss
- Water-energy-food nexus, water security, transboundary waters
- Resource conservation and policy, climate adaptation
- Energy transitions, renewables, carbon mitigation
- Resilience, adaptation, social-ecological systems
- Appalachians, Alleghenies, Andes, Himalayas
- Ph.D. Candidate, Soil Science with a dual-title in Transdisciplinary Research in Environment and Society (TREES)
Areas of Expertise
- High Mountain Hydrology
- Water Resources Management
- Climate Change Impact Assessment
- Water Security, Transboundary Rivers
- Postdoctoral Scientist
- Climate-Smart Forestry Assessment and Policy
Areas of Expertise
- Forestry
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Soil Ecology
- Email mmf5814@psu.edu
- Pronouns She/Her/Hers
- PhD Student, Forest Resources, Water-Energy-Food Nexus Cohort
Areas of Expertise
- Environment and Development, water security, energy transition
- Biocultural Conservation, nature-culture linkages
- Social-ecological systems, Eastern Himalayas
- Email axm6904@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-7221
- Undergraduate (Honors), Environmental Resource Management and Journalism
Areas of Expertise
- Transboundary Waterways
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Science Communication
- Environmental Diplomacy
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
- Email pmp5456@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-0456
- Ph.D. Student, Education Theory with Dual Title in Transdisciplinary Research on the Environment and Society (TREES)
Areas of Expertise
- Global Education
- Science Diplomacy
- Strategic Partnerships and Fundraising
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- Email jjp6534@psu.edu
- Office 814-867-3146
- Pronouns He/Him/His