Post-Doctoral Scholars
Dr. Alex Ireland
Project Title: Ecological Sites in Forested, Northern Appalachian Landscapes, USA
- Senior Environmental Scientist, ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Inc.
Dr. Jasmeet Lamba Project Title: The Fertilizer Forecaster
- Assistant Professor, Biosystems Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Graduate Students
Shauna Kay Rainford Graduate Student (PhD Ecology)
Thesis Title: An integrative assessment of soil organic carbon dynamics in wetland environments
- Postdoctoral Scholar with Prof. Dr. Willy Tinner - Institute of Plant Sciences - Universität Bern
Nico Navarro Graduate Student (M.S. Soil Science)
Thesis Title: Using soil chemical properties and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) forage nutrients to refine forested, northern Appalachian ecological sites
- Environmental Scientist in Los Angeles, CA area
Lauren Vitko Graduate Student (PhD Soil Science)
Thesis Title: Predictive mapping of soil restrictive layers using topographic relationships and geophysical tools
- Agricultural Science Research Technician, USDA-ARS, Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research, Kimberley, Idaho
Cody Fink Graduate Student (M.S. Soil Science) Thesis Title: Dynamic soil property change in response to natural gas development in Pennsylvania
- Environmental Scientist in Sacramento, CA area
Katherine Lindeburg Graduate Student (M.S. Soil Science)
Thesis Title: Silty Mantles and Fragipans in Pennsylvania Soils
Emilie Erich Graduate Student (M.S. Soil Science)
Research Topic: The extent and characterization of subaqueous soils of Black Moshannon: Mercury distribution in the Black Moshannon drainage basin.
- Currently employed by the Montana Dept. of Agriculture.
Maureen Yonivitz Graduate Student (M.S. Geosciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Thesis Title: Pedogenesis of Vesicular Horizons in Disturbed Soils.
Joshua Boxell Graduate Student (M.S. Geosciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Thesis Title: Soil Hydrological and Physical Changes Due to Bromus tectorum L.(Cheatgrass) Establishment in Northern Nevada, USA.
Peggy Elliott Graduate Student (M.S. Geosciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Thesis Title: Clay accumulation and argillic-horizon development as influenced by aeolian deposition vs. local parent material on quartzite and limestone-derived alluvial fans.
Undergraduate Students
Dan Wesdock Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Pennsylvania deer-forest interaction study.
Nancy Bao Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Vernal pool biogeochemistry in northern Appalachians.
- MS Student, Duke University
Anne McGraw Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Pennsylvania deer-forest interaction study.
- MS Student, Univ. Kentucky
Nicole Rella Undergraduate Student (B.S. Agricultural Engineering)
Project title: Pennsylvania deer-forest interaction study.
- Environmental Engineer, Pittsburgh, PA
Anna Schwyter Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Vernal pool biogeochemistry in the northern Appalachians.
- MS Student, Univ. Wyoming
Katie Speicher Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Vernal pool biogeochemistry in the northern Appalachians.
- Farm technician, Virginia
Mark Younkins Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Pennsylvania deer-forest interaction study.
Matt Drohan Undergraduate Student (B.S. Biology)
Project title: Vernal pool biogeochemistry in the northern Appalachians.
- Executive, Amazon, Long Island
Derick Bartram Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Total Hg in former subaqueous soils of an Appalachian reservoir.
Kaitlyn Benson Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Wetland ecosystem disturbance
- Received M.S. degree at Ohio State Univ.
Eric Bevacqua Undergraduate student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt. in progress)
Project title: Forested Ecological Sites and browse relationships with white-tailed deer.
Taylor Blackman Undergraduate student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
- MS Student, Penn State
Ben Bullock Undergraduate Student (B.S. Geoscience)
Project title: Extent of carbon additions in soils of 19th century furnace, charcoal pits
Kathryn Clark Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Honor Course Project: Development of a soil morphology GPR library for Pennsylvania soils.
- Received M.S. degree at the Univ. Delaware with Dr. Amy Shober.
April Doroski Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Marcellus Shale infrastructure landscape effects on ecosystems
- former Environmental Scientist in Eastern PA
- Received M.S. degree at the Univ. Connecticut.
John Driscoll Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Marcellus Shale infrastructure landscape effects on ecosystems
- Currently employed as a soil scientist in the NY City area
Mitch Fleming Undergraduate Student (B.S. Ag. Sciences)
Project title: Marcellus Shale infrastructure landscape effects on ecosystems; Forecasting runoff in Pennsylvania Landscapes
- Currently employed as a soil scientist in western Pennsylvania.
Jacob Gogno Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Marcellus Shale infrastructure landscape effects on ecosystems; Forecasting runoff in Pennsylvania Landscapes
- Received M.S. degree at Penn State in Ag Engineering with Dr. Chip Elliott.
Kylie Hint Undergraduate student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt. in progress)
Project title: Periglacial controls on Valley and Ridge restrictive layer genesis.
Jennifer Kellogg Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Research Topic: Biogeochemistry of vernal pools
Alex Lin Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Research Topic: Aeolian contributions to soils along a hydrocatena on the Allegheny Plateau
Dan Lawler Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Total mercury pools in soils across Pennsylvania
- Received M.S. degree at Penn State with Dr. Beth Boyer.
Lalita Limpichart Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Biogeochemistry of vernal pools
- Currently employed by USDA-NRCS
Anne Mcgraw Undergraduate student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt. in progress)
Project title: Forested Ecological Sites and browse relationships with white-tailed deer.
Kyle Medash Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Marcellus Shale infrastructure landscape effects on ecosystems.
- Currently employed as a soil scientist with Hanover Engineering
Maggie Norton Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Research Topic: Gigapan imagery of soil monoliths to enhance distance learning of soil science.
Ben Moorehead Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Soil Sci.)
Research Topic: Characterization of surface crust mineralogy and morphology in an acid mine drainage kill zone.
- Co-advised with Dr. Mary Ann Bruns.
- 3rd Place Student Poster Competition at the 2010 West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Symposium.
- Currently employed as a soil scientist with Hanover Engineering
Mia Rager Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Landscape change associated with historical and current land-use practices
Nicole Rella Undergraduate student (B.S. Biological Engineering in progress)
Project title: Forested Ecological Sites and browse relationships with white-tailed deer.
Katie Speicher Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Topic: Biogeochemistry of vernal pools
- Currently with the Peace Corps in Senegal, Africa
Anna Schwyter Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Topic: Biogeochemistry of vernal pools
- Currently an agronomist with a medical marijuana grower in California.
Bethany Thatcher Undergraduate student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt. in progress)
Project title: Forested Ecological Sites and browse relationships with white-tailed deer.
Devon Turner Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Project title: Soil moisture and temperature patterns in New England organic orchards.
- Currently employed by USDA-NRCS
Bill Wall Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Res. Mgmt.)
Research Topic: Wetland ecosystem disturbance.
- Currently employed in Georgia starting online MS at Auburn Univ.
Austin Young Undergraduate Student (B.S. Env. Soil Sci.)
Research Topic: Aeolian parent material contributions to a Pre-Wisconsinan and Late Wisconsinan colluvial soil.
- Currently employed as a soil scientist with Hanover Engineering