Hardwood veneer is a very thin layer of wood sliced or peeled from a hardwood log. It is a unique and valuable forest product. It is usually made from the "highest quality" logs--those that have very few imperfections such as knots and decay. Hardwood veneer has many uses, and is very important to Pennsylvania's forest industry. This four-page, full-color publication explores what veneer is, how it is made, and its many uses. It is part of an educational series for youth. (2002).
Code Number: UH155
Cost: FREE
The educational effectiveness of the flier can be evaluated through the use of one of two pre and post-experiences designed especially for youth. Each experience is one-page in length, specific to their flier topic, and employs a selection of simple testing formats, such as fill-in the blank, matching, ordering, or a "crossword puzzle." The same experience is intended for use before/after the flier is used as part of an educational activity.
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