Keywords: fishery, habitat, biota, sustainability, values; Lesson Plan Grade Level: tenth through twelfth grade, ecology/natural resource management class; Total Time Required for Lesson: 70-minute block (can be modified to fit different times); Setting: classroom with a whiteboard/chalkboard and/or an overhead projector
Goals for the Lesson
- Students will learn differences in past vs. present fishing success
- Students will reflect upon past and present uses of fisheries and consider the concept of fisheries sustainability.
- Students will develop a sensitivity to the environment and think critically in order to protect it.
Materials Needed
- lecture material sheet
- white/chalk board or an overhead projector
- worksheet
State Standards Addressed: E & E Standards: Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources (4.2); Ecosystems and Their Interactions (4.6); Humans and the Environment (4.8)
Teaching Model: Lecture incorporating class discussion and questions
Subjects Covered: ecology, economics, and biology
Topics: economics of fisheries, past vs. present success in fisheries
- Lecture material while having students participate by answering and asking questions and allowing them to discuss what is being learned.
AFSIT Class, Dr. Paola Ferreri
Eric Broughton Liberty Junior Senior High School