Keywords: forest management, biodiversity, watershed management, timber harvesting, wildlife management; Grade Level: eleventh and twelfth grade; Time Required: 40 minutes (one class period); Setting: library media center
Goal of the Lesson
- Students will develop their information seeking and technology skills by accessing Web sites and evaluating information.
Materials Needed
- pathfinder with suggested Web sites.
State Standards Addressed: E & E Standards 4.1, 4.2, 4.7, 4.8
Class: environmental science
Subjects Covered: environmental science, history, and social studies
Topics: forest management, biodiversity, watershed management, timber harvesting, wildlife management. This lesson is intended to support and enhance the topic of "forest stewardship," which has already been introduced to the students by the classroom teacher.
- Students will use the pathfinder provided by Ms. Baker to access Web sites.
- Students will write a short paragraph (four to five sentences) on three of the Web sites accessed.
- Students will read and discuss their written paragraphs in class.
Forest Stewardship Web Site Pathfinder
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences
Pennsylvania Natural Resources Extension
Bradford Forest Resources extension
Pennsylvania Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry
Northeast Pennsylvania Urban Forestry Program
Impact of Deer in Pennsylvania
Louise Baker, library media specialist, North Allegheny Senior High School