Subjects: Ecology and Art

Topic: Water Conservation


Students will identify reasons why conserving water is important. Students will identify ways to conserve water.


Lined Paper, Chalkboard, Attachment 1 (writing paper on their favorite wood product), Attachment 2 (worksheet to list possible ways to conserve water), Markers, Glue, Scissors, Crayons, Extra Paper, Large Poster Paper

State Standards Addressed:
PA Environment and Ecology 4.3.3 A. (Identify the natural resources used to make various products).
PA Environment and Ecology 4.3.4 A. (Identify ways humans depend on natural resources for survival).
PA Environment and Ecology 4.3.10 A. (Evaluate factors affecting the use of natural resources)
PA Arts and Humanities 9.1.3 A. (Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities)
PA Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening 1.4.5 C. (Write persuasive pieces. Include a clearly stated position or opinion. Include supporting details citing sources when needed.)
PA Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening 1.5.5 A (Write with a clear focus, identifying topic, task, and audience.)
PA Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening 1.5.5.C (Organize writing in a logical order. Use appropriate transitions within sentences and between paragraphs. Include an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion.)
PA Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening 1.5.5.F (Use grade appropriate conventions of language when writing and editing. Spell common, frequently used words correctly. Use capital letters correctly. Punctuate correctly. Use correct grammar and sentence formation.)


Day 1: Introduction- The teacher will write the word water on the chalkboard and ask why we need water. The students will then help general a list on the chalkboard of all the ways people use water.

Activity: Students will work in teams to brainstorm all the different ways that they have used water in the last twenty-four hours (washing their hands, using the toilet, doing laundry, etc) on blank lined paper. Students will come together as a class and compare lists. The teacher will ask some questions in case the students have forgotten anything of major importance.

Conclusion/ Evaluation: Students will be asked to write a paragraph on their favorite way to use water and how their life would be different without it (see attachment 1). Writing prompt may be completed for homework due to time constraints.

Day 2: Introduction: Teacher will have the students share some keep points from yesterday's writing activity.

Activity: The teacher will ask the students where water comes from. Answers will be discussed. The teacher will ask what would happen if we ran out of water. The students will discuss the ramifications of not having water anymore. The teacher will tell the students that water demand is always increasing and discuss why. The students will discuss reasons why the water supply can decrease. The concept of water conservation will be introduced.

Conclusion/ Evaluation: For homework the students will compile a list of ways they can conserve water in their homes (see attachment 2).

Day 3: Introduction: Students will share their lists with the class. The teacher will make sure the students hit the points of changing habits (taking shorter showers, not watering the grass as often, etc.) and using water saving appliances and fixtures.

Activity: The teacher will explain home storm water management and better parking design and explain to the students that they can help persuade people to implement those changes. The teacher will ask the students to describe the benefits of using these techniques.

Conclusion/ Evaluation: Students will create a poster persuading people to implement home storm water management and lobby for better parking design. Students could also make a poster attempting to persuade people to change their habits or buy and use water saving appliances and fixtures. Students will use large poster paper and markers, glue, crayons, other paper, and scissors to create their poster. Their poster must contain some text- it cannot be just pictures.


General Information from 2010 Forest Resource Institute for Teachers Course taught by David Jackson, Bryan Swistock, Joseph Harding, and Sanford Smith
Water Conservation Information from Water in the Forest power point by Bryan Swistock

All worksheets/attachments were created by Adelaide Rump


Adelaide Rump, Wonderland Charter School