Materials Needed
- one "Wildlife Fact File" sheet per student
- one copy of "Wildlife Fact File" guidelines per student
- paper
- pencil
- index cards
- various resources for students to use to find information
- empty three-ring binder
Topics: wildlife
Concepts to Be Covered
- Many different types of wildlife live in state/region/country.
Goals for the Lesson
- The students will choose an animal to research that lives in state/region/country.
- Students will find necessary information about their animal to complete the "Wildlife Fact File" sheet
- Students will present their information to the class.
- This project goes along with Pennsylvania unit of study in which students will be learning about many aspects of the state, including wildlife.
- Tell students that today they will begin working on a project involving researching wildlife living in your state/region/country.
- Hand out copy of guidelines and fact file sheet to each student. Read over and discuss them together.
- After answering any questions, give students time to begin looking through resources to find an animal. (Keep a list of which animal each student chooses to avoid duplicates.)
- Throughout the next two weeks, provide time for students to do research on their animal, if possible using the classroom, computers, and library.
- Once the students have presented their animal to the class, collect fact file sheets and put into a three-ring binder. Make a cover that says "Wildlife Fact File" and display in the classroom for students, parents, etc., to read.
Lynn Darlington, fourth grade teacher, State College, PA