Posted: August 27, 2019
MS student Jhony Benevides was one of 4 Penn State Fulbright Scholars affiliated with the Cacao for Peace program to present at a Colombian Fulbright sponsored Cátedra in Monteria, Colombia.
MS student Jhony Benevides was one of 4 Penn State Fulbright Scholars affiliated with the Cacao for Peace program to present at a Colombian Fulbright sponsored Cátedra in Monteria, Colombia. The host University was Universidad de Córdoba. In addition to the Fulbright scholars and Uni representatives from Agrosavia (before named Corpoica) and Compañia Nacional de Chocolates (Industry) also presented. Representatives from the US Embassy spoke along with Penn State Cacao for Peace grant PIs Drs. Siela Maximova and Mark Guiltinan. Dr. Drohan also presented an overview of his present and future cacao and Cd related research in Colombia. Jhony recently graduated from Penn State and will be continuing on with Dr. Drohan for his PhD in soil science.