Subjects Covered: Physical Education, Environmental Science
Topics Covered:Recreation,Environment

Goals for Lesson

A. Students will be able to describe the importance of Pennsylvania's forests and waterways to recreation
B. Students will be able to describe their favorite recreational activity
C. Students will be able to describe the importance of sustainable forests and waterways to recreational activities

Materials Needed

Magazines,Recreational Story Cards,Recreational Checklist, Paper, Glue, Scissors

State Standards Addressed:
4.3-Natural Resources
4.5.4A-Use of natural resources in sustainable and nonsustainable ways
Teaching Model: None Used


A. Discuss with class the definition of recreation
B. Discuss with class the impotance of recreation to humans
C. Discuss with class the importance of Pennsylvania's forests and waterways to recreational activities
D. Hand out recreational activities checklist to students (4-H checklist) to students. Students are to place an X beside those activities that can be enjoyed in Pennsylvania's forests and waters
E. Discuss with class their favorite recreational activity and where they have participated in this activity
F. Divide class into groups of 3-4 students. Hand out recreational magazines and pictures, paper, scissors, glue. Students pick their favorite activity, glue picture to paper and write 2-3 paragraphs or more describing their activity, where the activity occurs,(forest,park, waterway) specific location, and why they enjoy the location.
G. Share results with class
H. Have students brainstorm why motorized vehicles are not permitted in most recreational areas.
I. Discuss how their activity impacts the area and what they can do to ensure the area is sustainable while continuing to enjoy their recreational activity


Picture Projects and Descriptions, Class Participation

Literature/Sources Cited

"ADVANCING in FORESTRY" 4-H Forestry Resources Advanced Guide by Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences-Cooperative Extensiion
American Forest Foundation. Project Learning Tree: Pre-K Environmental Education Activity Guide 2010


Carol Wojtowich, Moshannon Valley Elementary School