Forest Stewardship

Keywords: stewardship, forest management; Grade Level: kindergarten (ES); Total Time for Lesson: 20 minutes; Setting: outdoors, classroom

Maple Syrup

Keywords: maple syrup; Grade Level: kindergarten (ES); Total Time For Lesson: 20 minutes; Setting: outdoors, classroom, nature center

The History of Maple Syrup

Keywords: sugaring, maple tree, sap, history; Lesson Plan Grade Level: can be adapted for kindergarten through third grade; Total Time Required: 40-60 minutes, depending on grade level; Setting: classroom or kitchen

Maple Syrup Production

Keywords: sugaring, maple tree, sap, natural resources, maple syrup; Lesson Plan Grade Level: can be adapted for kindergarten through third grade; Total Time Required: 40-60 minutes, depending on grade level; Setting: classroom or outdoors

Seasons of Trees

Keywords: leaves, tree, trunk, bark, leaf formation, seasonal change; Grade Levels: first through fourth grade; Total Time for Lesson: 1 hour initially, then 30-45 minute lessons through the seasons; Setting: inside the classroom and outdoors near the playground

Uses of a Tree

Keywords: trees, wood, paper, sap, and food; Grade Levels: first and second grade; Time Required: 45 minutes; Setting: classroom

Trees and Their Parts

Keywords: tree, trunk, crown or canopy, deciduous, evergreen, photosynthesis, fencing, regeneration, deer grazing; Lesson Plan Grade Level: remedial reading, 2-3; Total Time Required for Lesson: 60 minutes; Setting: classroom

What Can a Leaf Be?

Keywords: leaf, compound, simple, tree species, art project; Grade Level: Elementary—grade 2 through 5; Total Time Required: 2-3 hours over 3 class periods *Note: Leaf preparation takes about a week, therefore, leaf collection must take place one week before art lesson; Setting: outdoors in wooded area (first class), classroom for other parts

The Giving Tree

Keywords: consumerism, wants versus needs, benefits of trees, wood products; Grade Level: third grade (ES); Total Time for Lesson: 45-60 minutes as one continuous time block; Setting: classroom

Leaf ID and Leaf Bingo

Keywords: Leaf/Tree Identification, Terminology, Dichotomy Key; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: for review and game, approximately 50 minutes. Depends on students understanding of concepts, might be best to do over two days or more; Setting: Classroom

Let's Start Growing

Keywords: endosperm, embryo, seed coat, dormant, renewable resource, germinate; Lesson Plan Grade Level: third grade; Total Time Required for Lesson: 60 minutes; Setting: classroom


Keywords: paper recycling ;Grade Level: third grade (ES) ;Total Time for the Lesson: This is a unit spread over a several-week period (depending on the length of time given for the assigned project and the number of students giving presentations). I have given the unit outline, however, this lesson is for Day 1. The time for this lesson is 30-45 minutes; Setting: classroom instruction with a project to be completed at home

Tree Growth

Keywords: tree growth, annual rings, plant science; Grade Level: third grade (GS); Total Time For Lesson: approximately 45 to 60 minutes; Setting: classroom

Tree and Leaf Terminology

Keywords: Leaf/Tree Identification, Terminology; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: Assuming students had already completed Step 1 of the directions, Step 2 may take 30 minutes and then time to assemble books. (could be done at home or over a few days in the classroom); Setting: Classroom


Keywords: wood, renewable natural resources, fibrous; Lesson Plan Grade Level: remedial reading third and fourth grade; Total Time Required for Lesson: 40 minutes; Setting: classroom

Please the Trees, But Not These, Please!

Keywords: tree growth, invasive plants, tree competition; Grade Levels: third through sixth grade (ES); Total Time for Lesson: 2-hour field trip; Setting: outdoors

Forest History for Kids

Keywords: trenches, slag pile, stumps, regrowth; Lesson Plan Grade Level: enrichment third through sixth grade; Total Time Required for Lesson: 60 minutes; Setting: classroom, state park, or forest nearest to the school

Build a Forest

Keywords: watershed, forest layers, canopy, understory, shrub layer, forest floor, shade tolerant, non-shade tolerant; Grade Levels: 4; Time: 40 minutes; Setting: indoors

The Community Forest

Keywords: community forests, urban forestry, tree planting; Grade Level: fourth grade; Total Time for Lesson: 30-40 minutes instruction time (many additional minutes/hours for follow-up activity); Setting: classroom and outdoors/school grounds

Create a Community Tree Tour

Keywords: tree identification, tree natural history, map making, recycling; Grade Level: fourth grade to adult; Total Time for Lesson: several class periods and homework; Setting: tour route should be close walking distance to school. All work can be done in classroom late spring, summer, or early fall (when leaves are on trees)

Beginning Forestry For Young Learners: "All About Trees"

Keywords: forest products, tree life cycles, forest habitat, forest ecology, stewardship; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3-5 year olds; Total Time Required: Introductory Activity 30 minutes and Ongoing project investigation timeline variable; Setting: Classroom, outdoors on campus walks

Discover the Lifecycle of Trees through Digital Photography

Keywords: tree life cycle, ecosystem, William Shakespeare; Total Time Required: Four 45 – 60 minute sessions

Wood Products Identification for Primary Students

Key words: Wood products, natural resource, renewable resource; Grade Level: Lesson plan can be adjusted for levels K-3; Time required: 45 minutes: Setting: inside the classroom

Trees to Paper

Keywords: paper, recycle, pulpwood, wood products; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3; Total Time Required: two 45 minute periods; Setting: classroom, outside if possible

The Wonder of Wood

Keywords: Renewable, Durable, Benefits; Grade Level: 4th – 5th grades; Total Time Required: 45 minutes to one hour; Setting: Indoors

Beginning Forestry for Young Learners: Sorting and Classifying Leaves

Keywords: simple and compound leaves, hard and soft wood trees, leaf margins; Grade Level: pre-K, 3-5 year olds; Total Time Required: 30 minutes; Setting: Classroom, outdoors

Leaf Identification

Keywords: Conifer, Deciduous, Photosynthesis, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Chlorophyll, Alternate, Opposite, Margin, Serrate, Pinnate, Palmate, Vein, Leaflet; Grade Level: Grade 3; Total Time Required: Three forty minute classes; Setting: Classroom, Outdoors with a variety of trees(I use a State Park)

Making the Forest the Best It Can Be

Keywords: Forest Management, Well Managed Forest, Poorly Managed Forest, Silviculture, Competition, Diversity, Clear Cut, Shelterwood, Single Tree Selection, Group Tree Selection; Grade Level: Fifth Grade; Total Time Required: Four days, one thirty minute class session each day; Setting: Outdoor and Indoor

Identification of Playground Trees

Key Words: Opposite-leaves, Alternate-leaves, Whorled-leaves, Margins, Entire Margins, Lobed Margins, Toothed Margins; Grade Level: 4; Time Required: 50 minutes; Setting: Classroom and Playground

Healthy Forests

Keywords: Responsibility, under-story, canopy, life span, forest management, forester; Grade Level 4th – 5th; Total Time Required: 2 hours (depending on driving distance to a forest site); Setting: A nearby forest, preferably a managed forest setting

Using Forests and Water for a Recreational Resource

Keywords: Recreation, Environment, Sustainability, Management; Lesson Plan Grade Level: Fourth; Total Time Required: 43 minutes (1-2 classes); Setting: Classroom

Fire in the Forest

Keywords: Hardwood, Softwood, deciduous, conifer, stand, shelter; Lesson Grade Level: 2nd - 5th grade; Total Time Required: 45 minutes; Setting: Outdoor Playing Field

Fantastic Forests

Keywords: natural resource, renewable, aesthetics, environment, manufacturing, and economics; Grade Level: 2nd Grade; Total Time Required: 4 days (approximately 1-2 hours per day); Setting: South Mountain Forest (Emmaus, PA) and the classroom

Leaf ID and Leaf Bingo

Keywords: Leaf/Tree Identification, Terminology, Dichotomy Key; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: for review and game, approximately 50 minutes and Depends on students understanding of concepts, might be best to do over two days or more; Setting: Classroom

Tree and Leaf Identification - Part 1

Keywords: Tree Identification, Leaf Terminology, crown, bark, stem, leaf; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: 60 minutes; Setting: Classroom and outside, Start in the classroom for a discussion about trees and their usefulness, Take class outside for observation and discovery, Finish the lesson in the classroom to discuss and share what they observed and discovered.

Tree and Leaf Identification - Part 2

Keywords: Tree Identification, Leaf Terminology, bark, stem, leaf, crown, pine, oak, maple; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: 60 minutes; Setting: Classroom

Tree and Leaf Identification - Part 3

Keywords: Tree Identification, Leaf Terminology, bark, stem, leaf, crown, pine, oak, maple; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: 70 minutes; Setting: Classroom and outside