Keywords: stewardship, forest management; Grade Level: kindergarten (ES); Total Time for Lesson: 20 minutes; Setting: outdoors, classroom
Keywords: maple syrup; Grade Level: kindergarten (ES); Total Time For Lesson: 20 minutes; Setting: outdoors, classroom, nature center
Keywords: sugaring, maple tree, sap, history; Lesson Plan Grade Level: can be adapted for kindergarten through third grade; Total Time Required: 40-60 minutes, depending on grade level; Setting: classroom or kitchen
Keywords: sugaring, maple tree, sap, natural resources, maple syrup; Lesson Plan Grade Level: can be adapted for kindergarten through third grade; Total Time Required: 40-60 minutes, depending on grade level; Setting: classroom or outdoors
Keywords: leaves, tree, trunk, bark, leaf formation, seasonal change; Grade Levels: first through fourth grade; Total Time for Lesson: 1 hour initially, then 30-45 minute lessons through the seasons; Setting: inside the classroom and outdoors near the playground
Keywords: trees, wood, paper, sap, and food; Grade Levels: first and second grade; Time Required: 45 minutes; Setting: classroom
Keywords: tree, trunk, crown or canopy, deciduous, evergreen, photosynthesis, fencing, regeneration, deer grazing; Lesson Plan Grade Level: remedial reading, 2-3; Total Time Required for Lesson: 60 minutes; Setting: classroom
Keywords: leaf, compound, simple, tree species, art project; Grade Level: Elementary—grade 2 through 5; Total Time Required: 2-3 hours over 3 class periods *Note: Leaf preparation takes about a week, therefore, leaf collection must take place one week before art lesson; Setting: outdoors in wooded area (first class), classroom for other parts
Keywords: consumerism, wants versus needs, benefits of trees, wood products; Grade Level: third grade (ES); Total Time for Lesson: 45-60 minutes as one continuous time block; Setting: classroom
Keywords: Leaf/Tree Identification, Terminology, Dichotomy Key; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: for review and game, approximately 50 minutes. Depends on students understanding of concepts, might be best to do over two days or more; Setting: Classroom
Keywords: endosperm, embryo, seed coat, dormant, renewable resource, germinate; Lesson Plan Grade Level: third grade; Total Time Required for Lesson: 60 minutes; Setting: classroom
Keywords: paper recycling ;Grade Level: third grade (ES) ;Total Time for the Lesson: This is a unit spread over a several-week period (depending on the length of time given for the assigned project and the number of students giving presentations). I have given the unit outline, however, this lesson is for Day 1. The time for this lesson is 30-45 minutes; Setting: classroom instruction with a project to be completed at home
Keywords: tree growth, annual rings, plant science; Grade Level: third grade (GS); Total Time For Lesson: approximately 45 to 60 minutes; Setting: classroom
Keywords: Leaf/Tree Identification, Terminology; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: Assuming students had already completed Step 1 of the directions, Step 2 may take 30 minutes and then time to assemble books. (could be done at home or over a few days in the classroom); Setting: Classroom
Keywords: wood, renewable natural resources, fibrous; Lesson Plan Grade Level: remedial reading third and fourth grade; Total Time Required for Lesson: 40 minutes; Setting: classroom
Keywords: tree growth, invasive plants, tree competition; Grade Levels: third through sixth grade (ES); Total Time for Lesson: 2-hour field trip; Setting: outdoors
Keywords: trenches, slag pile, stumps, regrowth; Lesson Plan Grade Level: enrichment third through sixth grade; Total Time Required for Lesson: 60 minutes; Setting: classroom, state park, or forest nearest to the school
Keywords: watershed, forest layers, canopy, understory, shrub layer, forest floor, shade tolerant, non-shade tolerant; Grade Levels: 4; Time: 40 minutes; Setting: indoors
Keywords: community forests, urban forestry, tree planting; Grade Level: fourth grade; Total Time for Lesson: 30-40 minutes instruction time (many additional minutes/hours for follow-up activity); Setting: classroom and outdoors/school grounds
Keywords: tree identification, tree natural history, map making, recycling; Grade Level: fourth grade to adult; Total Time for Lesson: several class periods and homework; Setting: tour route should be close walking distance to school. All work can be done in classroom late spring, summer, or early fall (when leaves are on trees)
Keywords: forest products, tree life cycles, forest habitat, forest ecology, stewardship; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3-5 year olds; Total Time Required: Introductory Activity 30 minutes and Ongoing project investigation timeline variable; Setting: Classroom, outdoors on campus walks
Keywords: tree life cycle, ecosystem, William Shakespeare; Total Time Required: Four 45 – 60 minute sessions
Key words: Wood products, natural resource, renewable resource; Grade Level: Lesson plan can be adjusted for levels K-3; Time required: 45 minutes: Setting: inside the classroom
Keywords: paper, recycle, pulpwood, wood products; Lesson Plan Grade Level: 3; Total Time Required: two 45 minute periods; Setting: classroom, outside if possible
Keywords: Renewable, Durable, Benefits; Grade Level: 4th – 5th grades; Total Time Required: 45 minutes to one hour; Setting: Indoors
Keywords: simple and compound leaves, hard and soft wood trees, leaf margins; Grade Level: pre-K, 3-5 year olds; Total Time Required: 30 minutes; Setting: Classroom, outdoors
Keywords: Conifer, Deciduous, Photosynthesis, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Chlorophyll, Alternate, Opposite, Margin, Serrate, Pinnate, Palmate, Vein, Leaflet; Grade Level: Grade 3; Total Time Required: Three forty minute classes; Setting: Classroom, Outdoors with a variety of trees(I use a State Park)
Keywords: Forest Management, Well Managed Forest, Poorly Managed Forest, Silviculture, Competition, Diversity, Clear Cut, Shelterwood, Single Tree Selection, Group Tree Selection; Grade Level: Fifth Grade; Total Time Required: Four days, one thirty minute class session each day; Setting: Outdoor and Indoor
Key Words: Opposite-leaves, Alternate-leaves, Whorled-leaves, Margins, Entire Margins, Lobed Margins, Toothed Margins; Grade Level: 4; Time Required: 50 minutes; Setting: Classroom and Playground
Keywords: Responsibility, under-story, canopy, life span, forest management, forester; Grade Level 4th – 5th; Total Time Required: 2 hours (depending on driving distance to a forest site); Setting: A nearby forest, preferably a managed forest setting
Keywords: Recreation, Environment, Sustainability, Management; Lesson Plan Grade Level: Fourth; Total Time Required: 43 minutes (1-2 classes); Setting: Classroom
Keywords: Hardwood, Softwood, deciduous, conifer, stand, shelter; Lesson Grade Level: 2nd - 5th grade; Total Time Required: 45 minutes; Setting: Outdoor Playing Field
Keywords: natural resource, renewable, aesthetics, environment, manufacturing, and economics; Grade Level: 2nd Grade; Total Time Required: 4 days (approximately 1-2 hours per day); Setting: South Mountain Forest (Emmaus, PA) and the classroom
Keywords: Leaf/Tree Identification, Terminology, Dichotomy Key; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: for review and game, approximately 50 minutes and Depends on students understanding of concepts, might be best to do over two days or more; Setting: Classroom
Keywords: Tree Identification, Leaf Terminology, crown, bark, stem, leaf; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: 60 minutes; Setting: Classroom and outside, Start in the classroom for a discussion about trees and their usefulness, Take class outside for observation and discovery, Finish the lesson in the classroom to discuss and share what they observed and discovered.
Keywords: Tree Identification, Leaf Terminology, bark, stem, leaf, crown, pine, oak, maple; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: 60 minutes; Setting: Classroom
Keywords: Tree Identification, Leaf Terminology, bark, stem, leaf, crown, pine, oak, maple; Grade Level: 3rd grade; Total Time Required: 70 minutes; Setting: Classroom and outside