Goals for the Lesson

  • Students will develop critical and observational skills while looking for tree names.

  • Students will be able to comprehend factual information about trees.

  • Students will be able to match the visual picture to the written word of tree shapes.

  • Students will be able to observe the benefits of fencing, preserving new cut from wildlife.

Materials Needed

Station 1

  • laminated sentence strips

  • colored magic markers

Station 2

  • worksheet

  • pencil

Station 3

  • tree worksheet

  • pencil

Station 4

  • poster board with tree shapes drawn

  • strips of paper measuring 12 x 18 inches with one tree name on each strip

Station 5

  • plastic trays

  • dirt

  • grass seeds

  • flower seeds

  • craft sticks

State Standards Addressed: Agriculture and Society (4.4)

Subjects Covered: science, reading

tree names, general tree information, tree shapes, deer grazing

Teaching Model: Cooperative Learning, Learning Centers, Independent Activities


Previous Lesson

  • Tree identification and antler construction

Background Information (before breaking into groups)

  1. Hand out pictures of different trees to different children.

  2. Hand out names of different trees to different children.

  3. Children walk around room to find their match, then stand together until it's their turn to introduce themselves to the class.

Station 1

  1. Laminated strips are:

  • The rain soaked the ground. (oak)

  • All the girls wore sashes to the meeting. (ash)

  • Will you give Ma plenty of ice? (maple)

  • If you pin everything, nothing will blow away. (pine)

  • Light the fire to keep the house warm. (fir)

  • Dad was balder on his 40th birthday than on his 39th. (alder)

  • Jump each hurdle as you come to it. (peach)

  • One star appeared in the sky. (pear)

  • Will you give me the map please? (apple)

  • You will own the land. (willow)

  • Is this a picture of fairies or angels? (orange)

  • Bruce darted through the people on his bike. (cedar)

  1. Using a colored marker, underline the name of a tree on each strip.

  2. Check the answer key hanging under the picture of a tree by the Station 1 sign.

Station 2

  1. The following sentences are on the worksheet:

  • I have a partner. (pear)

  • I am found around a fire. (ash)

  • I sound like something near the sea. (beech)

  • I am a grouch. (crab apple)

  • I am found in the mouth. (gum)

  • I am part of your face. (tulip)

  • I erase mistakes. (rubber)

  • Little Jack Horner liked me. (plum)

  • I weep. (willow)

  • I keep the doctor away. (apple)

  • The students are to name the tree.

  1. Check the answer key on the poster that says Station 2.

  2. Open the flaps on the tree bark numbered the same as the sentences.

Station 3

  1. Match the shape of the tree to its name.

  2. On the floor, place five posters with the shape of these trees: round, narrow, weeping, triangular, vase-shaped.

  3. Have five strips of paper measuring 12 x 18 inches with the name of the shape on each strip.

  4. The student matches the shape to its name.

Station 4

Long-Term Deer Fence Project

  1. The students are to plant grass and flower seeds into a black tray.

  2. In the middle of the tray they are to construct a craft stick fence and label side 1 and side 2.

  3. Place the trays onto the window sill and wait for the seeds to grow.

  4. When growth begins, every day of the week that begins with a T, the students are to put on their antler head pieces and pick the new growth from side 1.

  5. Side 2 is never to be touched! At the end of each week, have the students write in their journals about what has happened to side 2 compared to side 1.

  6. In class, discuss the advantages and disadvantages to deer grazing.


  • Each station has its own assessment.


Elmendorf, William F., and Sanford Smith (1999). Planting Trees in Your Community Forest. University Park, Pa.: The Pennsylvania State University.


Lynne Karish, Central Intermediate Unit #10, Our Lady of Victory School