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AUTHORS: Jonathan Freedman, Timothy D. Stecko, Benjamin D. Lorson, and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. SOURCE: North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1001-1005.
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AUTHORS: Rachel M. Cleaver, Adrianus F. Konings, and Jay R. Stauffer. SOURCE: Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters Vol. 20, Num. 2:163-178.
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AUTHORS: Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Adrianus F. Konings, and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. SOURCE: Zootaxa 2076:37-59
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AUTHORS: J.A. Freedman, T.D. Stecko, R.W. Criswell, and J.R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 83(1):42-44.
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AUTHORS: J.R. Stauffer Jr., H. Madsen, B. Webster, K. Black, D. Rollinson, and A. Konings. SOURCE: Journal of Helminthology (2008) 82:377-382
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. and Renea A. Ruffing SOURCE: Copeia 2008, No. 3, 618-620
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer, Jr., Jeffrey K. McCrary, and Kristin E. Black SOURCE: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 121(1):117-129
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AUTHORS: Rebecca Jordan, David Howe, Karen Kellogg, Francis Juanes, Jay Stauffer Jr and Eva Garcia-Vazquez SOURCE: African Journal of Ecology 46:107-109
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AUTHOR: Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. and Patrick M. Kocovsky SOURCE: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1122-1125
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AUTHORS: Mary Lundeba, Jeremy S. Likongwe, Henry Madsen and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. SOURCE: African Zoology 42(1):45-49 (April 2007)
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Henry Madsen, Adrianus Konings, Paul Bloch, Cecilia Paola Ferreri, Jeremy Likongwe, Kenneth R. McKaye, and Kristin Black SOURCE: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1136-1145
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AUTHORS: McCrary, J.K., B.R. Murphy, J.R. Stauffer Jr., and S.S. Hendrix. SOURCE: Environ Biol Fish 78:107-114.
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AUTHORS: R. Jordan, K. Kellog, D. Howe, F. Juanes, J. Stauffer Jr., and E. Loew SOURCE: Journal of Fish Biology 68, 1291-1299
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AUTHORS: Adrianus F. Konings and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. SOURCE: Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters Vol.17, No.3, pp.233-246.
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AUTHORS: Renea A. Ruffing, Angela Lambert, and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. SOURCE: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 119(4):534-539.
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AUTHORS: B.N. Evers, H. Madsen, K. M. McKaye, and J.R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, Vol. 100, No. 1, 75-85 (2006).
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AUTHORS: Mary Lundeba, Jeremy S. Likongwe, Henry Madsen, and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr SOURCE: African Zoology 41(1):143-144 (April 2006)
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr. and Adrianus F. Konings. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 9-42, March 2006.
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Henry Madsen, Kenneth McKaye, Adrianus Konings, Paul Bloch, Cecilia Paola Ferreri, Jeremy Likongwe, and Peter Makaula SOURCE: EcoHealth 3:22-27.
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr. and Isa Posner. SOURCE: Copeia 2006(2), pp. 289-292.
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AUTHORS: Stauffer, J.R. Jr., K.E. Black, M. Geerts, A.F. Konings, and K.R. McKaye. SOURCE: Reconstructing the Tree of Life: Taxonomy and Systematics of Species Rich Taxa, Ch. 14, 213-225.
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AUTHORS: Ellen van Snik Gray, Karen A. Kellogg, and Jay R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: American Midland Naturalist 154:166-177.
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Karen A. Kellogg, and Kenneth R. McKaye SOURCE: Copeia, 2005(3), pp. 657-660
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr. and Ellen Van Snik Gray SOURCE: Animal Biology Vol. 54, No.2, pp.137-158
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AUTHORS: H Madsen, JR Stauffer Jr, P Block, A Konings, KR McKaye and JS Likongwe SOURCE: African Journal of Aquatic Science 29(1):117-119.
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AUTHORS: Tzilkowski, C.J. and J.R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 78(1):3-11.
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AUTHORS: Jordan, R., D. Howe, F. Juanes, J. Stauffer, Jr., and E. Loew. SOURCE: African Journal of Ecology 42:228-231.
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AUTHORS: Ferreri, C.P., J.R. Stauffer, and T.D. Stecko. SOURCE: Proceedings of a joint conference of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation 21st Annual National Conference and the 25th West Virginia Surface Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium, American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY
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AUTHORS: Jordan, R., K. Kellogg, F. Juanes, and J. Stauffer, Jr. SOURCE: Copeia 1:181-186.
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr. and Karen A. Kellogg. SOURCE: Copeia 2002(1), pp.146-151.
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AUTHORS: Renea A. Ruffing, Patrick M. Kocovsky, and Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. SOURCE: Fish and Fisheries 2002, 3, 143-145.
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Kenneth R. McKaye, and Ad F. Konings SOURCE: Fish and Fisheries, 2002, 3, 213-224.
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AUTHORS: Kenneth R. McKaye, Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Eric P. van den Berghe, Rene Vivas, Lorenzo J. Lopez Perez, Jeffrey K. McCrary, Roxana Waid, Ad Konings, Woo-Jai Lee, Thomas D. Kocker SOURCE: The Midas Cichlid Species Complex in Two Nicaraguan Crater Lakes, Cuadernos de Investigacion de la U.C.A. 12:19-47 (1 Julio 2002)
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. and K. R. McKaye SOURCE: The Midas Cichlid Species Complex in Two Nicaraguan Crater Lakes, Cuadernos de Investigacion de la U.C.A. 12:1-18 (1 Julio 2002)
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AUTHORS: Stauffer, J.R. Jr. and T. Sato. SOURCE: Icthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 13:91-95.
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AUTHORS: Ellen van Snik Gray and Jay R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: Copeia 2001(1), pp.254-261.
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AUTHORS: Jay R. Stauffer Jr. and Kenneth R. McKaye SOURCE: Journal of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Cichlid Research: State of the Art, Volume IX, page 1-16.
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AUTHORS: Karen A. Kellogg, Jay R. Stauffer Jr., and Kenneth R. McKaye. SOURCE: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2000) 47:164-170.
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AUTHORS: D.R. Sager, C.H. Hocutt, and J.R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: Journal of Applied Ichthyology 16:89-97
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AUTHORS: David R. Sager, Charles H. Hocutt, and Jay R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: Environmental Science & Policy 2000 (3):393-403.
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AUTHORS: Argent, D.G., R.F. Carline, and J.R. Stauffer Jr. SOURCE: Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 74:3-12.
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Angermeier, P. L., R. A. Smogor, and J. R. Stauffer, Jr. 2000. Regional frameworks and candidate metrics for assessing biotic integrity in mid-Atlantic Highland Streams. Tran. Amer. Fish. Soc. 129:962-981.
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McKaye, K. R., J. R. Stauffer, Jr., G. Turner, A. Konings, T. Sato. 2001. Fishes, as well as birds, build bowers. Cichlid Research: State of the Art. Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences 9:121-133.
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Argent, D. G., J. A. Bishop, J. R. Stauffer, Jr., R. F. Carline, W. L. Myers. 2002. Predicting freshwater fish distributions using landscape to level variables. Fisheries Research 1411:1-16.
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Kellogg, K. A., J. R. Stauffer, Jr., K. R. McKaye. 2001. Using cichlids to control parasitic diseases. Cichlid Research: State of the Art. Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences 9:79-88.
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Stauffer, J. R., Jr., P. M. Kocovsky, R. A. Ruffing. 2002. Species concepts and speciation of fishes: Concluding Remarks. Fish and Fisheries 3: 230-232.
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van den Berghe, E. P., J. K. McCrary, K. R. McKaye, J. R. Stauffer, Jr., J. Volin, B. Murphy, L. Lopez, and S. Montenegro. 2003. Tilapia: The biological solution. The Nicaraguan Academic Journal 5:45-55.
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Jordan, R., D. Howe, K. Kellogg, F. Juanes, J. R. Stauffer Jr., and E. Garcia-Vazquez. (2008). Small-scale morphological differentiation in a cichlid may provide clues about rapidly diversifying systems. African Journal of Ecology 46: 107-109.
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McKaye, K. R., A. Wiklund, J. Mponda, J. R. Stauffer, Jr. 2002. Fuel briquettes as a sustainable economic alternative to deforestation in the Lake Malaŵi ecoregion. Sustainable Development International 7: 105-108.