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- Associate Research Professor
- Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Areas of Expertise
- Invasion Ecology
- Population Genetics
- Wildlife Ecology
- Evolution
- Conservation Biology
- Animal Coloration
- Island Biology
Areas of Expertise
- Agroforestry (especially Forest Farming)
- Appalachian Forest Plant Identification, Biology, Ecology, and Ethnobotany
- Ethnobotany
- Field Botany and Plant Taxonomy, Herbarium Methods
- Invasive Plant Identification, Ecology, and Management
- Non-timber Forest Products (e.g., Maple Syrup, Medicinal/Culinary Plants and Fungi)
- Plant Husbandry and Horticulture
- Wild Plant Conservation, Management, and Policy
Areas of Expertise
- Conservation biology, restoration ecology, ecological design, freshwater ecosystem management
- Professor of Wildlife Ecology
- Leader, PA Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Areas of Expertise
- biometrics
- white-tailed deer
- harvest management
- population estimation
- Associate Professor & Director, Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics
- Joseph E. Ibberson Chair in Silviculture Research for Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise
- Population Genomics
- Conservation Genetics
- Molecular Ecology
- Evolution
- Quantitative Genetics
- Climate Change
- Ex Situ Conservation
- Interim Department Head and Professor of Forest Ecology
Areas of Expertise
- Global change ecology
- Forest ecology
- Dendrochronology
- Community ecology
- Assistant Research Professor of Wildlife Behavioral Ecology
Areas of Expertise
- Animal behavior/ behavioral ecology
- Animal cognition
- Evolution
- Neurogenomics
- Computer Programming
- Distinguished Professor of Ichthyology
- Adjunct Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology
- Assistant Unit Leader,
- PA Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Areas of Expertise
- Applied Spatial Ecology
- Disease Epidemiology
- Stable Isotope Ecology