Degrees listed include only those earned at Penn State's School of Forest Resources.

Award guidelines specify that up to four Outstanding Alumni may be selected annually, but the SFR Alumni Group board of directors unanimously approved an exception to allow a fifth Outstanding Alumni award to be presented to Dr. Charles Strauss who in 2007 announced his plans to retire once a new director was hired.

Henry D. Gerhold

B.S. Forestry 1952; Master of Forestry, 1954

George R. Kemp

B.S. Forestry, 1953 - posthumous award

Nelson S. Loftus

B.S. Forestry, 1958; M.S. Forestry, 1962

Charles H. Strauss

B.S. Forestry, 1958

Lowell T. Underhill

B.S. Forestry, 1956

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802