Soil Research Cluster Lab
A multi-user analytical laboratory that provides common and cutting-edge analytical instrumentation in the areas of soil chemistry and biochemistry, soil fertility and nutrient cycling, soil physics, pedology, hydropedology, and various agricultural and environmental ecosystem testing.
The Soil Research Cluster Laboratory (SRCL), housed in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management (ESM), College of Agricultural Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), is a multi-function, multi-user analytical laboratory that provides common and cutting edge analytical instrumentation in the areas of soil chemistry and biochemistry, soil fertility and nutrient cycling, soil physics, pedology, hydropedology, and various agricultural and environmental ecosystem testing. The SRCL was established to provide students, faculty and staff access to instrumentation and equipment that may not be available in individual laboratories and that find common use by several research groups. The SRCL analytical instruments and research methods and procedures are not limited to soil; they also have been employed in the analysis of plant and animal extracts and digests; water and waste water; biosolids; and geologic and synthetic materials. We also accept samples for analysis performed by our staff.
In the News
Penn State’s Soil Research Cluster Lab Offers New Research Capabilities
To help better understand and support healthy soil function, Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences has an advanced characterization facility — the Soil Research Cluster Lab — under the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management.
Ekaterina Bazilevskaya, director of the lab and assistant research professor, said the lab’s mission is to aid researchers studying soil for a variety of applications.
Ekaterina (Katya) Bazilevskaya, SRCL Director, email:, phone: 814-863-6714 (office), (814) 876-0452 (cell)
The SRCL is located on the 4th floor of the Agricultural Sciences and Industries (ASI) Building, at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park campus. The analytical instruments are housed in 439 ASI, 441 ASI, and 461 ASI.
Hours of operation are 8 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday except on University recognized holidays. ONLY with special permission from Dr. Bazilevskaya should samples be run at other times.