The links and resources below are provided for your convenience. If you have suggestions for other links to add, please contact Ellen Rom.

Update Your Contact Information

To update your contact information, use the Penn State Alumni Association's Update Form or send an e-mail to Ellen Rom (, executive director and newsletter editor, Forest Resources Alumni Group.

LinkedIn: Penn State Forest Resources & Ecosystem Science and Management Alumni Group

Log into LinkedIn and search for “Penn State Forest Resources & Ecosystem Science and Management Alumni Group” or go to If you are new to LinkedIn, there are many online resources to help, including this site ( hosted by Penn State Student Affairs. Our LinkedIn network continues to grow. Check back regularly to look for classmates and others with whom you may want to connect.

Nittany Lion Careers

Penn State’s single-system recruiting platform for all students, alumni and employers.

Find Other Alumni

An online alumni directory is available through the Penn State Alumni Association (PSAA), but it is available only to PSAA members. It allows members to search for friends by last name, class year, geographic location, or some other customized search. The information in the online directory is password-protected, and is only accessible to PSAA dues-paying members. All Penn Staters, however, can visit the site, update their information, or limit the amount of information that is viewable.

RESOURCES Newsletter
Forest School Patch

Penn State Forest School patches are pieces of art and mementos of time gone by.

Summer Camp Memories

Memories, stories, and photos of Blue Jay Camp and other summer camps from the campers themselves.

Campus Landmarks Honor Military Service of Penn Staters

The University Park campus holds a number of landmarks that commemorate those who made the supreme sacrifice in military service to their country, including the Forest Resources Alumni Group tree planting in 1957.

La Vie online

Penn State's online yearbook dating back to 1890.

The Daily Collegian
Pennsylvania Forestry Association

The Pennsylvania Forestry Association is the nation’s oldest state organization devoted to forest conservation. Its goal is to encourage proper management on every acre of the Commonwealth’s private and public forest.

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802