Submit instrument training request: 

Contact the laboratory director by submitting a training request form.

Only after initial training by SRCL staff, the analyst (student, staff, faculty) will be given an access to the instrument sign-up calendar.  You must discuss the nature of the request, the method of analysis and health and safety issues prior to using the instrument. Analysis and laboratory use is on a first-come first-serve basis. 

Submit soil analysis request:

You are welcome to contact SRCL staff  to discuss details of your project, sample volume, turnaround time and total cost estimates. Analysis requests can be submitted using this link analysis request  form.

Rate Schedule

The SRCL perform the actual measurements/procedures for a user as well as train, answer any questions and provide technical aid when required. Most of the work performed in the laboratory is on a fee basis (see rate schedules below).

Rates definition:  

Rate 1. SRCL receives sample analysis request, and a user delivers the samples. SRCL staff perform sample preparation, measurement, data analysis and provide reports. Staff time instrument use and consumables are included in this rate.  

Rate 2 is the cost of instrument training. The training fee includes introduction to the underlying principle of the technique, instrument hardware and software, training materials, advice on method’s conditions and hand-on session to measure user’s sample. Depending on the complexity of the equipment, training can vary from 30 min to 3 hours for different instruments. The estimated training times are indicated in the table below.  

Rate 3 is established for the independent instrument use of a trained user. Rate 3 may be based per hour of instrument use, per number of samples or per measurement setting. When budgeting analysis cost, consider Rates 2 (training) and Rates 3 (independent use) together. In most cases, if many samples need to be analyzed, Rate 2+ Rate 3 will be lower than Rate 1 (analysis by staff). SRCL offers high volume discount for Rate 3 (techniques dependent).  


Rate 1

Analysis request

Rate 2

Instrument training

Rate 3

Instrument use

Soil chemical analysis

CNHS analyzer


$11.52 per measurement

Includes sample prep, measurement, and data report

$171.51 per session

Based on ~2 hours of instruction time

$6.49 per measurement

$5.19 per sample (20% discount) for 50 samples or more.


Rigaku XRF with autosampler



$11.89 per sample

Includes sample prep, measurement, and data report

$137.06 per session

Based on ~2 hours of instruction time

$5.28 per sample

$4.2 per sample (20% discount) for 50 samples or more.


Shimadzu GC greenhouse gas analyzer

$14.45 per sample

166.31 per session up to 2 hours

$4.69 per sample

Shimadzu TOC/TIC/TN

$13.58 per sample

$174.90 per session

$4.17 per sample

SEAL (N, P speciation in water)

$53.59 per analyte

$91.51 per session

$4.50 per analyte per tray

Radiometer titrator with autosampler

$51.52 per request

$62.96 per session

Free for trained user

Soil physical analysis


unsaturated hydraulic conductivity ku and the pf curve (water tension curve)

$100.58 per run setup

(5 samples per run)

$111.35 per training

Based on 2 hours of instruction time and consumables

$49.03 per run

(5 samples per run)

Pressure plate


$87.94 per pressure plate

About 7 samples fit into pressure plate


$113.35 per training

Based on 2 hours of instruction time and consumables

$ 51.88 per pressure plate

$8.5 per sample for one pressure condition based on 7 sample loads

Sample preparation

HarvestRight Freeze dryer

$34.87 per request (load)

$34.87 per session (based on up to 30 min instruction)

$10 per day

Muffle furnace


$81.93 per furnace load

LOI analysis

$38.78 per session

Based on up 30 min instruction

$20.30 per 24 hours

Retsch grinding mill


$9.71 per sample

Staff grounds sample for a user

$45.52 per training session (up to 45 min)


$2.45 per sample

$2.0 per sample (20% discount) for 30 samples or more.



Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802