B.S., Forestry, 1961

Warren E. "Ed" Frayer earned a B.S. in Forestry at Penn State in 1961. He earned a Master of Forestry (1962) and a doctorate in Forestry (1965), both at Yale and both in biometrics/computer science.

Ed worked as a research forester and mathematical statistician for the USDA Forest Service from 1962 to 1967, and then moved to academia. He spent 17 years at Colorado State University, interrupted by one year with the Forest Service as Chief of Forest Survey in Washington, DC. The last eight years at Colorado State he served as head of the Department of Forest and Wood Sciences.

In 1969, Ed assisted in establishing the first Society of American Foresters (SAF) student chapter at Colorado State and he served as its adviser until 1974. Throughout his time at Colorado State he helped to pioneer continuing education in forestry, leading more than 30 workshops with about 1,000 participants. In 1982 he was recognized as "Outstanding Administrator of the Year" at that institution.

In 1984, Ed became dean of the School of Forestry and Wood Products at Michigan Technological University. He was instrumental in securing new faculty positions, and faculty launched major research initiatives in forest science and biotechnology. He was also active in fundraising (raised 2.5 million dollars to match a state grant of 7.5 million) to add to forestry facilities at Michigan Tech.

Ed served as a consultant to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on wetland inventories for more than 20 years, and authored publications regarding the national status of wetlands.

In Michigan, Ed was also a member of the Governor's Council on Forest Products Development, 1984-1990, serving as vice-chair 1989-90. From 1995 to 2000 he was a member of the Education Committee of the Michigan Forestry Roundtable and the Great Lakes Forestry Association.

After 16 years at Michigan Tech, Ed retired in 2000.

In 2003, Ed was honored as a Centennial Fellow by the Penn State Mont Alto Alumni Society for his demonstrated leadership in the profession of forestry.

Throughout his career, Ed has been active in the Society of American Foresters (SAF) at the chapter, state, and national levels. He was a charter member and first elected chair of the SAF Inventory Working Group. He co-chaired the 1985 SAF National Convention and served on the Planning Committee for the 1998 convention. He was elected Fellow in 1996, and at the 1998 national convention he was honored with a certificate of appreciation for Outstanding Volunteer Service and Dedication. Ed is active with SAF in retirement as well. He served on the Program Committee for the 2012 and 2013 national conventions.

In 1971 Ed was a charter member and first chair of the Northern Colorado Chapter of Ducks Unlimited. He currently serves as chair of the Harris Chain Chapter of Ducks Unlimited in Florida, a position he has held since 2008.

Since the School of Forest Resources Centennial in 2007, Ed has served as class representative for the Penn State forestry class of 1961.

In retirement, Ed has taught statistics and algebra at two colleges in Ocala, Florida, as well as a course on Florida seashells in an adult education program. He has also worked as a U.S. census enumerator. Ed has been a trustee at the Lade Lake United Methodist Church since 2009.

Ed has supported scholarships at Michigan Tech and he has recently begun funding activities at Penn State Mont Alto.

Ed has three sons and eight grandchildren. He resides in Gainesville FL with his wife, Mei.

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802