Robert W. Bauer earned the A.S. degree in Forest Technology in 1966 and the B.S. degree in Forestry Technology in 1969. He was a member of Xi Sigma Pi, an honorary forestry fraternity. He had a long and distinguished career as a forester with the Pennsylvania Game Commission in northwestern Pennsylvania for more than 30 years until his death in a farming accident on December 31, 2002, at his home in Titusville, PA.
Bob was an active member of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) and served in many positions at both the local and state levels, including secretary-treasurer and chair of the Plateau Chapter, and chair of the Pennsylvania Division. At the time of his death, he was the chair-elect of the Allegheny SAF. His leadership in SAF was known nationally in the Silviculture and Wildlife Working Groups.
Bob was a Certified Forester, a charter member of the Pennsylvania Council Professional Foresters, and long-serving Chairman of the Ben Roach Forestry Forum Steering Committee (later renamed the Roach-Bauer Forestry Forum as a tribute to him).
Bob also served as a long-time member of the Penn State Mont Alto Forest Technology advisory board. He easily engaged with students from Penn State and other schools, made them feel welcome at meetings, and provided many with summer internships to gain professional work experience.
He was vice-chair and past president of the Crawford County Cooperative Extension’s board of directors. He was active in Crawford County 4-H and the Crawford County Fair. He was instrumental in arranging support and funding for a new show arena at the Crawford County fairgrounds in Meadville, PA.
Bob received the Allegheny SAF Outstanding Service to Forestry Award in 1999 and was named an outstanding employee by the Pennsylvania Game Commission in 1983.
The Winter 2002-03 issue of The Allegheny News included tributes to Bob, contributed by his peers. And at its February 2003 Winter Meeting, the Allegheny SAF Executive Committee voted to rename its Outstanding Service to Forestry Award in memory of Bob.
A scholarship in Bob’s name was established at Penn State following his death. Renamed the Robert W. Bauer Award in Agricultural Sciences by his family in 2014, the fund has provided financial support to nearly 20 forestry students since the first awards were made in 2006. Bob was very proud to share the traditions of Penn State with his daughters. All three are Penn State graduates.
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
- Office 814-865-7541
- Fax 814-865-3725
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
- Office 814-865-7541
- Fax 814-865-3725