30400 Thermolyne Furnace

Thermolyne muffle furnace can be programmed to run up to 8 consecutive heat intervals maintained at the temperatures of operator's choice. It can be used continuously in the 400°F (204°C) to 1800°F (982°C) range or between 1800°F (982°C) and 2000°F (1093°C) for a period of less than 3 hours. There is a digital read control with over-temperature protection and a door interlock relay for user safety. The 14-cubic inch heating chamber has 2 shelves for higher capacity.

VWR drying oven (room temperature to 240o C.)

Besides general drying purposes, the oven can be used to measure water content is soil samples.

Retzsch ball mill

The mill has two 35-ml zirconia jar. The recommended amount of sample per jar is 10 to 15 ml. This mill is used to grind samples for chemical analysis and when there is a limited amount of sample available.

Freeze Dryer


Pellet press

Sample amount required for the analysis: 40 mg of powder. Applications: pellets for XRF measurements

Pellet press

Temperature-controlled room 441A ASI (-40 C to 60 C)

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802