B.S. Forest Science, 2004; M.S. Forest Resources, 2006

Jamie (Murphy) Dahl earned a B.S. in Forest Science with a minor in Wood Products Business and Marketing in 2004. In 2006 she completed an M.S. in Forest Resources, with an emphasis on wood procurement and utilization.

The results of her graduate thesis on Pennsylvania roundwood purchases and movements prompted the TPO (Timber Products Output) group within the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, to set up a longitudinal study, with help from Jamie and her adviser, Dr. Paul Smith, to collect this information on a regular basis. The work was funded by the USDA Forest Service (Princeton, WV), and the state of Pennsylvania was a primary beneficiary.

Upon graduation, Jamie was hired as instructor/coordinator of undergraduate programs in the School of Forest Resources. Her responsibilities included academic advising, course scheduling and curricular affairs, and recruitment. Jamie was the primary contact for prospective, incoming, transfer, change‐of‐major, and change‐of‐assignment students. She worked closely with the student leaders of our School's seven student clubs. She co- taught a first-year seminar course, and taught a forestry careers course for sophomore-level forestry and wood products students. She created an exit interview process for graduating seniors and organized the first School of Forest Resources Career Fair. She assisted with education programs both within and outside the University including Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow, Conservation Leadership School, Governor's School, 4‐H Days, Math Options, Junior Minorities in Agriculture and Natural Resources (MANRA), and DCNR Eco‐Camp.

Jamie married her husband Chris Dahl in November 2009 and the following month joined him in Colorado. There she first worked as the environmental education instructor for Rocky Mountain National Park where she developed environmental education programs for students and visitors of all ages and wrote curriculum plans to meet Colorado's education standards. In March 2010 she changed positions to forest technician and volunteer program coordinator for the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS). Her duties included writing forest management plans, as well as mentoring and leading the CSFS Volunteers.

In November 2010 Jamie was hired into her current position with CSFS and Warner College of Natural Resources (WCNR), at Colorado State University, as experiential learning coordinator. She co-instructs a forestry field practices course, offers additional hands-on learning opportunities for WCNR students, and coordinates the CSFS Volunteer program. Jamie also advises the Alpha Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters (SAF), serves as secretary for the SAF Longs Peak Chapter, and is an instructor for Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow.

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802