Annie Klodd

Annie Klodd

M.S. candidate in Plant Biology (co-advised by Michela Centinari)

My research explores the extent to which soil depth-associated environmental variation dictates the functions of roots in perennial fruit crops and temperate forests. While shallow roots encounter high organic matter levels, relatively high nutrient availability, and variable soil moisture, roots in deeper soil horizons are exposed to low fertility and high moisture levels. My research asks whether deep roots function differently from shallow roots due to differences in availability of soil resources (i.e. water, nutrients) at depth. To address this question, I am comparing roots of varying soil depths for factors associated with resource acquisition in a Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard and a common garden of temperate forest tree species.

Outside of research, I am fascinated by the interplay between science and society, and specifically in fostering a stronger mutualism between the agricultural community, consumers, and the environment. I am also interested in promoting science that incorporates basic and applied ideas.