Edward F. Kocjancic earned a B.S. in Forestry in 1954. He has practiced forestry for 45 years, 35 of which have been as a forest consultant. He is president of Edward F. Kocjancic, Inc., a consulting firm based in Kane, Pennsylvania, that employs a staff of eight and is known internationally for its veneer expertise, especially black cherry. Ed's company offers the gamut of natural resource management services, including aerial and GIS mapping and domestic and international marketing.
Kocjancic been a very strong supporter of Penn State's Grand Destiny Campaign and has also served as a volunteer in that effort. He is a life member of the Penn State Alumni Association. He has served on the School's Advisory Board since 1995. His company has worked in conjunction with the School to develop the latest computer technology for forest inventory and information gathering. Each fall his company hosts a visit from the School's sophomore forestry class. His support of the new forestry building includes funding for a teaching laboratory, to be named the Kocjancic Forestry Laboratory, that will contain 24 stations for students taking classes in silviculture, dendrology, timber harvesting, and forest mensuration.
Kocjacnic has demonstrated by example the importance of forest stewardship, sustainability, and multiple-use in the management of private forest land. He is an FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) resource manager. Most recently, in August 2001, Ed was named a finalist in the 2001 Governor's Export Excellence Award. This award recognizes companies and individuals who are leading contributors to Pennsylvania's expanding international market opportunities.
Kocjancic's professional affiliations include being a 47-year member of the Society of American Foresters, a life member of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association, a director of the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group, a director of the Pennsylvania Forest Industry Association, a director of the McKean County Conservation District, a director of the Pennsylvania Council of Professional Foresters, and a member of the Pennsylvania Hardwood Development Council.
His community involvement includes serving on the Advisory Board of Northwest Savings Bank, Kane Branch; serving as a director on the Kane Area Industrial Development Council; and serving as leadership gift director for St. Callistus Church in Kane, Pennsylvania, where he spearheaded the fund-raising of one million dollars to help the church meet its building campaign goal.
(E. Kocjancic died May 9, 2006)
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
- Office 814-865-7541
- Fax 814-865-3725
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
- Office 814-865-7541
- Fax 814-865-3725