Mark R. Webb completed a B.S. in Forest Science in 1973 and then worked for a year as a sales trainee for Blanchard Lumber Company in Wayne, New Jersey, and Albany, New York. Next he was a senior forester and land manager for Fisher and Young Lumber Company in Titusville, Pennsylvania, for six years. After that he worked for a year as general manager for the Endeavor Lumber Company in Ashville, New York, and in 1980 became a consulting forester and partner in Nagy and Webb in Titusville, Pennsylvania.

In 1993 he started his own consulting business in Union City, Pennsylvania, and has been the owner of Mark R. Webb & Co. ever since. His company offers forest management services for both private and industrial clients. Services include complete timber sale management, appraisals and inventories, erosion and sedimentation control plans, forest stewardship plans, and American Tree Farm inspections. His company's work has been featured in Forbes Magazine and the Case Study for Sustainable Forestry by the MacArthur Foundation.

Webb was elected Fellow in the Society of American Foresters (SAF) in 2000 and has been a Certified Forester since 1996. He has served SAF in various leadership positions in the Plateau Chapter, the Pennsylvania Division, the Allegheny Society, and the House of Society Delegates. He is a member of the Association of Consulting Foresters and has been a regional director and chapter chair in that organization as well. He has served on the editorial board for the Consultant magazine. He is a charter member of the Pennsylvania Council of Professional Foresters and also served as chairman of that group for two years. His other state-level activities include the Pennsylvania State Committee - Sustainable Forestry Initiative, the Pennsylvania Rural Development Council Committee on Forest Taxation, the Penn State Forest Issues Working Group, and the Best Management Practices for Silviculture Working Group.

Webb served Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Association for two terms as director (1996-2002) and as financial secretary (1999-2001). He is a student mentor in the new College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society Mentoring Program. He is a member of the School of Forest Resources Advisory Committee. Webb is also a member of Tau Phi Delta and has served in several capacities in that fraternity, including board member and past president. He is a life member of the Penn State Alumni Association.

Webb and his wife Blare are members of the First United Methodist Church of Union City. They serve on various committees within the church; both sing in the adult choir and Webb also rings in the hand bell choir. He is a member and past King Lion of the local Lions Club and has served as a trustee of the local hospital for fourteen years, including seven years as chair. Currently he is chairman of the Union City Health Care Foundation and a trustee of the St. Vincent Health System in Erie, Pennsylvania. He also serves on the Strategic Community Vision Task Force.

March 2003

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802