Peter W. "Pete" Prutzman earned his B.S. in Forest Science in 1977. He is currently President and co-owner of Kingwood Forestry Services, inc., a firm that manages over 150,000 acres of private, non-industrial timberland plus an additional 110,000 acres for institutional owners in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. Pete is considered an expert on timber and timberland appraisal and marketing, with Kingwood Forestry serving as seller's agent in the sale of over 160,000 acres of timberland in past ten years. Kingwood is recognized as one of the top forestry consulting firms in the United States.

At University Park he was President (Forester) of Xi Sigma Pi forestry honorary and active in the Penn State Forestry Society. At Berks Campus (1973-1975) Pete was President of Student Government Association, co-editor of the Berks newspaper, and campus nominee for the Eric and Josephine Walker Award.

Pete worked for the U. S. Forest Service 1976 -1978 on Gifford Pinchot National Forest (in Washington State) and Allegheny National Forest, Ridgway District. He then moved to Arkansas, accepting a position with Davis Forestry. Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. was founded in 1983 with Jim Foster, Glen Dabney, and Pete as owners. Kingwood now has 18 full-time employees in three offices--Arkadelphia and Monticello, Arkansas and Texarkana, Texas.

Pete is a Registered Forester in Arkansas and Oklahoma. He served five years on the Arkansas Board of Registration for Foresters and as Chairman in 2005.

He is a real estate broker in Arkansas and Oklahoma, as well as a Certified General Appraiser in both states. Pete represents forestry on the Arkansas Appraiser Licensing and

Certification Board, currently serving as Vice Chairman. He has performed major appraisals of timberland and conservation easements for The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Forest Service, and many banks and timberland investment management organizations (TIMOs).

Pete also serves on the Board of Directors of Forest Landowners Association. He is on the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Forestry Association (AFA) since 1995 and is current President of AFA (2014-2016).

Long active in the Society of American Foresters, Pete was elected Fellow in 2006. He has served as officer in Caddo Chapter, Arkansas Division, and Ouachita Society, and is a Certified Forester. He is a member of the Association of Consulting Foresters (ACF) and is a past Chair

of the Arkansas Chapter of ACF. He has made forestry presentations to Arkansas Bankers Association, Farm Bureau, Cooperative Extension Service, and was guest lecturer at University of Arkansas, Monticello and Hope campuses.

Pete met his wife, Linda, at University Park (she first attended Penn State DuBois). They have been married for 35 years and have two grown children, Steve and Pam. Pete and Linda are both Pennsylvania natives but have lived in Arkadelphia, Arkansas since 1979.

Pete's community involvement includes BSA Cubmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster (Pete and son Steve are both Eagle Scouts); past President of the Arkadelphia Rotary Club (multiple Paul Harris Fellow and Benefactor), sports, music, and active in his church. He has been active in Log-A-Load for Kids for many years. An American Tree Farm Inspector for over thirty years, Pete and his family own and manage two small Tree Farm properties.

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Ecosystem Science and Management


117 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802