Researchers in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management working in the area of Scaling Up Ecosystem Management.
- Professor of Pedology & Graduate Program Chair
Areas of Expertise
- Soil Science
- Watershed Management
- Landscape Ecology
- Natural Resource Management
- Email
- Office 814-863-4246
- Distinguished Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry
- Chair of Ecology Intercollege Graduate Degree Program
Areas of Expertise
- Ecosystem ecology
- Nitrogen cycle
- Carbon cycle
- Forest ecosystems
- Sustainable agriculture
- Email
- Pronouns He/Him
- Assistant Dean for Access and Equity
- Research Professor of Quantitative Forest Ecology
- Associate Professor of Forest Management
- Associate Professor of Wildlife Population Ecology
- Professor Emeritus of Forest Biology
- Email
- Office 814-865-9351
- Associate Professor of Silviculture
Areas of Expertise
- Forestry
- Silviculture
- Forest ecology
- Disturbance ecology