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- Nancy and John Steimer Professor of Agricultural Sciences
- Professor of Forest Ecology and Physiology
- Professor of Wildlife Resources
- Extension Wildlife Specialist
Areas of Expertise
- Avian ecology
- Effects of shale gas development on forests and birds
- forest songbirds
- Human impacts on bird population
- Wildlife habitat management on private lands
- Landscaping for birds and wildlife
- Professor of Pedology & Graduate Program Chair
Areas of Expertise
- Soil Science
- Watershed Management
- Landscape Ecology
- Natural Resource Management
- Distinguished Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry
- Chair of Ecology Intercollege Graduate Degree Program
Areas of Expertise
- Ecosystem ecology
- Nitrogen cycle
- Carbon cycle
- Forest ecosystems
- Sustainable agriculture
- Interim Department Head and Professor of Forest Ecology
Areas of Expertise
- Global change ecology
- Forest ecology
- Dendrochronology
- Community ecology
- Distinguished Professor of Clay Mineralogy
Areas of Expertise
- Materials from plants and plant by-products
- Use of clays for remediation;Slow release fertilizers with minerals
- Associate Research Professor
- Fire and Natural Resources Management
Areas of Expertise
- Fire Ecology
- Fire Behavior and Effects
- Associate Professor of Forest Resources Management
Areas of Expertise
- Social and economic values associated with private forests, including prescribed fire, wildlife, and carbon sequestration.
- Assistant Dean for Access and Equity
- Research Professor of Quantitative Forest Ecology
- Director, James C. Finley Center for Private Forests at Penn State
- Associate Research Professor, Private Forests Management
Areas of Expertise
- Forest stewardship
- Private forest landowners
- Woodland care
- Collaborative learning
- Action research
- Peer-to-peer education
- Teaching Professor in Forest Resources and
- Natural Resources & Youth Extension Specialist
Areas of Expertise
- Youth and Natural Resources Education
- Forest Stewardship
- Natural Resources Volunteerism
- Private Forestland Management
- Connecting Youth with Nature
- Forest Dendrology and Botany
- Professor Emeritus of Forest Biology