Quick digital acquisition of private property attributes is becoming more accessible. A landowner can investigate their property and its attributes from baseline data searches.

Quick digital acquisition of private property attributes is becoming more accessible every year. Armed with a fast internet connection, a contemporary computer and a willingness to explore federal, state and local websites a landowner or natural resource professional can rapidly investigate a private property from a home or office computer. Within minutes of obtaining a private property tax parcel ID one can obtain a property's county & township location, size, access, hydrology, notable topography, dominate vegetation, points of interest, lat/long, soils and driving directions. This quick baseline data search is a potential increase in efficiency for a natural resource professional and a potential reduction in cost to a private landowner.


Brent Harding, Senior Forester, Penn State School of Forest Resources

Recorded Webinar
PowerPoint Slides

PowerPoint presentation, 17.6 MB

Centre County Government GIS
Google Maps

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802