In December 2011, the provost of the Pennsylvania State University signed the Center for Private Forest at Penn State into being. Since then, the Center has hosted successful forest landowners’ conferences, expanded understanding about private forest landowners and their lands through applied research projects, trained several graduate students, interned undergraduate students, supported forest stewardship peer learning networks, and continued to advance knowledge and engagement at the intersection of people and forests.

With this guiding document the Center concretely defines the space in which the organization has expertise to conduct applied research and inform and engage landowners and private forest stakeholders.

Additionally, the Center creates annual reports to demonstrate accomplishments within the larger body of effort.

Strategic Plan

In 2020-21, a subcommittee of the Center for Private Forests Council worked to create a strategic plan to enhance our strengths, better define our work, and lay the course for the next five years, which was approved by the full Council in July 2021. In this document the Center sets out its Values, Aims, and Outcomes for the 2022-2026 planning horizon.

Annual Reports

Each year the Center publishes an annual accomplishments report on the outcomes of our efforts, research, education, and engagement across the various populations – landowners and private forest stakeholders, undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, and partners – with whom we work.

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802