Although each group is independent, and missions and membership policies differ, most use meetings, field demonstrations, tours, seminars, and newsletters to provide information about forests and sound forest management to their members and people in the local communities.

This map shows the predominant area served by each group. However, most groups welcome woodland owners from surrounding areas. Please see the list below for names and contact information. For additional information, call 1-800-235-9473.

Allegheny Mountain Woodlands Association

Serving Cambria County

Bradford-Sullivan Forest Landowners Association

Serving Bradford and Sullivan Counties

Clarion County Forest Stewardship Committee

Serving Clarion County

Dauphin County Woodland Owners Association

Serving Dauphin and Surrounding Counties

Juniata, Mifflin, and Perry County Woodland Owners

Serving Juniata, Mifflin, and Perry Counties

Mercer County Woodland Owners Association

Serving Mercer County

North Central Forest Landowners Association

Serving Cameron, Elk, McKean, and Potter Counties

Northwest Pennsylvania Woodland Association

Serving Crawford, Erie, and Warren Counties

Pike-Monroe Woodland Owners Group

Serving Pike and Monroe Counties

Southeast Forest Resources Association

Serving Bucks and Montgomery Counties

Southwestern Pennsylvania Woodland Owners

Serving Allegheny, Greene, and Washington Counties

Susquehanna County Forest Landowners Association

Serving Susquehanna County

Tioga County Woodland Owners Association

Serving Tioga County

Westmoreland Woodlands Improvement Association

Serving Fayette, Somerset, and Westmoreland Counties

Woodland Owners of the Southern Alleghenies

Serving Bedford and Fulton Counties

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802