Wildlife and Fisheries Science
The Wildlife and Fisheries Science graduate program at Penn State includes both an M.S. and Ph.D.
As a graduate student you will work closely with your faculty adviser and committee members in designing a program of study and research adapted to your interests. We encourage you to explore with faculty who are pursuing research in topics of interest to you to determine whether they have the time and financial resources to serve as your adviser during your graduate program. In addition, you may wish to contact the ESM Graduate Student Organization (ecosystem.gso@gmail.com) and visit with a couple graduate students who are members of the department to gain insights about the departmental strengths that may be of interest to you. You can check out the ESM GSO website; it has some useful links and information for graduate students!
Possible topics areas include: habitat evaluation, ecology and management of game and nongame wildlife, animal damage control, urban wildlife, wildlife responses to altered ecosystems, conservation biology, fish systematics, fisheries management, ichthyology, fish behavior and ecology, freshwater ecology, aquaculture, landscape ecology, terrestrial and wetland ecosystems.
Gain hands-on experience in our Wildlife and Fisheries Science graduate program by taking advantage of our available streams, forests, and wetlands. Our programs are designed to give students an understanding of the biology and management of terrestrial or aquatic wildlife species and their environments. Our students have access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, including off-campus field stations and field sites, a vibrant seminar program and an engaged, enthusiastic faculty.