
The course work for the major field shall be chosen to meet the student's primary educational objectives, i.e., accomplishment of thesis research, mastery of discipline subject matter, and preparation for a career. Courses at the 400- or 500-level taken in forest science, wildlife and fisheries science, wood products, and other departments may be designated as part of the major if they conform to the objectives. The program must be coherent, i.e., a related series of courses. The choice of courses in the major study area shall be approved by the student's committee in consultation with the student. The thesis adviser shall be responsible for the semester-by-semester direction of the student's academic studies, but review by the student's committee should take place as described in Section III.D.4 and III.E. Students expecting to continue for the PhD after receiving the MSc should acquaint themselves with the admission and graduation requirements for the PhD

Optional Minor

When a minor is elected, it consists of integrated or articulated work in one field related to, but different from, the major program. Minor requirements are governed by the responsible department or discipline area of the University. If a minor is elected, a faculty member representing the minor will serve on the student's committee, if required by the minor department. The Department also participates in the Dual Title in Operations Research.