Posted: July 30, 2024

By Allyson Muth, Director, James C. Finley Center for Private Forests at Penn State

Every late fall and winter, the staff at the James C. Finley Center for Private Forests at Penn State compile reports to share with funders the accomplishments of the year under the metrics described in our grant proposals. Despite the formality of these reports, we’re always blown away by the quantity and quality of the work, and the reports continuously emphasize the role that so many of our partners play in our success.

Once the formal reporting season is over, we turn our attention to telling the overarching story of the preceding year in a visually engaging way through the creation of our annual report. The 2023 Finley Center Annual Report is hot off the presses, and available online at Check it out if you’re interested in seeing the work.

You’ll find highlights of our research efforts, lessons learned, and new materials created as a result of that research around conservation-based estate planning and Pennsylvania forest landowner values, attitudes, and behaviors. There are stories of student engagement and upcoming research projects that we’re looking ahead to.

You’ve seen us mention the Pennsylvania Forest Stewards peer volunteer program, a program focused on sharing a message of good forest stewardship and connecting landowners to resources professionals. If you don’t know already, the annual report is another way to learn more about the PA Forest Stewards, read the stories and activities of those engaged with the program, and check out the metrics of their impact.

There are highlights from our 2023 Forest Landowners Conference (and teasers for our 2025 event—mark your calendars for March 6-8, 2025 for the next Biennial Conference and Penn State Extension’s Forest Health Briefing) and the various social media and professional access we’re working to cultivate.

You can also find stories of the ways in which the Finley Center works with partners and the ways those partners have influenced the work. And, as for all organizational annual reports, there are the financials and staff listings—you can put faces to our names. Also included is a long list of the amazing folks who have supported the Center through their giving and in support of the conference. We’re grateful to all who share of themselves and their resources to support helping people care well for their woodlands.

We hope you’ll check it out, and let us know if you have any questions about what we do.

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802