Posted: April 8, 2021

As reported last quarter, the Pennsylvania Forestry Association (PFA) held its Annual Symposium over five days of online lunches last fall. Over those days, the PFA awarded the Joseph Rothrock Award to Reneé Carey, the Sandy Cochran Award to Jean Devlin, the Mira Dock Award to Sally Zaino, PA Tree Farmers of the Year to Rebecca Trigger and Mark Foley, and PA Tree Farm Inspector of the Year to Rob Piper. While this was highlighted last issue, it’s worth repeating. Save the date of October 9, 2021 for what we hope will be an in-person Annual Symposium event.

There has been a lot of behind-the-scenes activity going on these past several months. The PFA Board met online in mid-December, and of note, Gary Gilmore is stepping down as Vice President to devote more effort to Tree Farm. Randy White has stepped up to fill the Vice President position. PFA was asked to provide input on the definition of a non-industrial private forest landowner for the USDA to use as guidance to the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) in its distribution of conservation funding. A meeting was held, consensus reached, and input submitted. PFA’s Communication and Education Committee set themes for future issues of Pennsylvania Forests magazine. The PFA website is in need of major renovation and that work is now a priority. Our Outreach Committee has set this year’s “Log a Load for Kids” sporting clays shoot for October 1. Matt Sampson produced a forestry calendar with six organizations signed on for two pages each. They were distributed to the six organizations for further distribution. Some were retained for sale and are still available from the PFA office at $5 each. PFA met with Matt Gabler, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Forest Products Association. We are excited about the opportunities discussed and look forward to Matt’s leadership. We also submitted comment to the Pennsylvania Game Commission from the Deer Management Task Group, reiterating the proposed suggestions that were not acted on last year. The Game Commission is considering several of these recommendations. The Forest Heritage Committee has the first two of many heritage videos posted to YouTube and is working with DCNR on a Lumber Railroad Trail proposal, among several initiatives. The PFA Executive Committee recently agreed to partner, along with others, with The Pennsylvania Hardwood Development Council on its application for PA Farm Bill Specialty Crop Block Grant funding for up to six programs promoting the Pennsylvania hardwood industry and educational initiatives.

There are many positive things going on in support of our forests, forest landowners, and the forest industry. Be proud to be a part and become more active where you can.

For more information about PFA, visit the website at or call 800-835-8065.

By Mark Ott, Pennsylvania Forestry Association President

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802